ACTing Project s ocial Agents promoting active ageing through ICT
2 People who work in the Elderly, Dependency and/or Information Society professional fields, offering resources and counselling to elderly people as a response to their interests and demands. Roles ACTing : Social Agents Developing Iniciatives. Promotion and coordination of elderly participation in the ACTing Project Contest Encourage and collaborate to create a Social Network for the Elderly, by means of the online platform. Identification of the seniors. Creation of the working groups
3 Disseminat ion plan of Singular Iniciative s Social centers for elderly Day care centers Senior residences Telecenter Projects aimed to the digital inclusion of elderly Libraries Elderly Associations Private entities
4 Disseminat ion plan of Singular Iniciative s
5 Potencially interesting for this Developing thematic initiatives Identify especific needs and interests of elderly Recruitment of beneficiaries for Project initiatives Involvement of associations and civil society in the Singular Iniciatives promotion, such as tractors elements Providing seniors and local associations their active participation For the visibility of the work and final products of each Singular Iniciative Collaboration on the Website and Social networks Disseminat ion plan of Singular Iniciative s
ACTing Social Network 6 By Elderly people Social agents To Exchange experiences and good practices Example and reinforcement Achieve ment Social relationship Sense of identity
ACTing Social Network What Social Networks use? Help us to decide it What Social Networks use? Help us to decide it