Properties of Europium BBoiling point: o C MMelting point: o C CColor: DDensity: NNumber of protons/electrons:63 NNumber of neutrons:89 AAtomic number:63 DDensity:5.259 g/cm 2 Europium is the rarest of rare earth metals and sells for $7500 per kg Europium is irritating to the eyes skin and respiratory system
Uses and origin of Europium Color televisions Striker and lighter flints Europium Oxide is used as a phosphor activator Used in the production of laser phosphors Europium was first found by Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisaudran in 1890 Europium’s discovery is credited to French chemist Eugene Antole-Demarcay
Europium It irritates your skin and eyes It makes you itch it makes you cry If you touch it I will bet A rash bright red, you will get Reacts vigorously with air Europium can burn and flare It has a silver coloring To buy, you must have cha ching Rarest rare earth metal that there is Only 0.1,believe it or not that’s it Discovered by one But credited to another Both were from Europe That’s where it was discovered As I said on earth we lack But up in space there’s plenty In stars, on planets It’s particles are many
Sources htm htm html html nts/scholar/elements/periodic- table/uses.html nts/scholar/elements/periodic- table/uses.html
Sources able_fla.htm able_fla.htm europium.htm - 16kwww.periodic-table.org.uk/element- europium.htm StudentProjects/ElementWebSites/europium/u ses.htm