Communications Action – Public Awareness Research November 2003
Background National Development Plan/Community Support Framework (NDP/CSF) Strategic Framework for investment across a range of sectors to secure social and economic progress : EUR 57 Billion (10% EU Cofunded) Oct 2000 Government agreed outline communications strategy for the NDP/CSF
Key element of Strategy - Research May/June 2001 Research with the general public to ascertain awareness and understanding of the NDP/CSF- (Qualitative and Quantitative Research) May/June 2002 Quantitative Survey undertaken to update the original findings.
Overall Aims Research Awareness and understanding of the NDP & EU Structural Funds Interest in and relevance of the different elements of the NDP Concerns and fears with regard to the plan’s implementation
Aims cond. Preferences for the most effective means ( television, print, poster and direct marketing) of communicating information about the NDP The most effective messages and communications approach to educate,engage and motivate key target audiences A benchmark in time against which to measure future progress
Methodology 2001 A two-phased research approach with the general public was employed - Qualitative research – debriefed February Quantitative research – debriefed May A total of 1,520 face-to-face interviews and 8 focus groups were conducted with members of the general public. Survey sample was geographically and demographically representative of the Irish population - by age, gender, social class, region - by regional authority area.
Methodology 2002 Sample Size 600-split evenly between 8 NUTS III Regions with results reweighted by region to proportionally represent the entire country. Interviews conducted face to face in people’s homes Took place May/June 2002 a year after the initial benchmark survey
Key Findings 59% people are aware of the National Development Plan. The figure for the previous survey was under 49%. Regional Variations in Awareness - 73% Border, 43% Dublin The NDP is now the most widely recognised of all government plans/strategies, exceeding the PPF and the Freedom of Information Act.
Key Findings contd The Government and Europe are credited with the NDP's creation (64% and 37% respectively). 79% of people believe the NDP to be a 'good idea'. Almost 50% believe the NDP will impact on them positively very few believe it will have a negative impact, whilst 3 in 10 do not know what its effects will be on a personal level.
Key Findings :Source of Funding for NDP 54% of respondents believed that funding for the NDP is largely coming from Europe. 47% mention Government as the source 31% mention Irish Taxpayer (63 % Irish Taxpayer and Government combined)
Awareness of EU Funds Awareness of EU Funds is quite high - slight increase since last year: Structural Funds 43% -ERDF 49% -ESF 36% -EAGGF 22% -FIFG 16% Cohesion Fund 29% AB Socio Economic Group Highest level of Awareness Regional Variations eg ERDF-Dublin 29% West 57%
Role/Purpose of each EU Fund Understanding of the fund’s role is often derived from the funds name eg 66% say “Fishing” for the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance Where the fund’s role is not indicated in its name there is a high level of don’t knows eg Cohesion Fund records 71% don’t know regarding its purpose Strong association of EU Structural Funds with roads 38%
Source of Awareness of NDP Main Source of Awareness : National: TV 51% Radio 35% Newspapers 57% Local Newspapers also key source 20% Main change since 2001 in road-side signs: 22% now mention them as a source of information compared to only 4% in 2001 (Road-side signage is erected on all large scale NDP Infrastructure projects with a contribution above EUR 635,000 - not just road projects)
Expected/Preferred Sources of Further Information People mainly expect to hear about the NDP on National TV/Radio & Newspapers TV/Radio People increasingly like to be informed about the NDP via public meetings, information leaflets and via community groups Local Radio as a preferred source of information has increased from 22% to 30% over the past year.
Conclusions Overall the research confirms that the key strategies in the NDP reflect the concerns of the general public at a national and local level. The findings show that 61% people are interested in receiving information on the NDP and it's impact on them. Regional Variations-Communications should try to engage more with the general public on a regional level particularly in the Dublin Region
Conclusions contd People increasingly looking for benefits of NDP investment at the individual level - communications will need to focus on explaining personal benefits. 1 in 5 are unable to say if they think NDP is a good or bad idea revealing a sizeable minority who require further information.
Conclusions contd. The research Findings will be used to guide the NDP Communications Strategy to provide information on the impact and actions under the NDP. The research findings will also provide a benchmark against which progress can be measured
Next Stage Review and update research in 2004 following the Mid-term Evaluation of the NDP IN Progress – new newsletter introduced in 2002 – readership survey in 2004 Website – possible users survey