Category Connection criteria Application for a new Minimum NTS Offtake Connection (exit) in a green-field site Application for any other category of new NTS Connection (exit) Revision to an existing NTS Connection (exit) Simple Feasibility Study: is not required Offer: National Grid to provide to the customer within (upto) 3 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 6 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 6 months Medium Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to the customer within (upto) 9 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 9 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 9 months Complex Not Applicable? Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 12 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 12 months Fixed Fee * [ £tbc ] Not Applicable [ £tbc ] * Includes costs to produce Feasibility Study and Offer Variable Fee capped at £tbc Table 1: Application Fee – NTS Connection Exit Note: The Offer timescale is inclusive of National Grid providing the Feasibility Study and, the formal Offer to its customer NTS Connections – Proposed Categories
Category Connection criteria Application for a new NTS entry Connection (entry) Revision to an existing NTS Connection (entry) Simple Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 6 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 6 months Medium Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 9 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 9 months Complex Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 12 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 12 months Fixed Fee * [ £tbc ] * Includes costs to produce Feasibility Study and the Offer Variable Fee capped at £tbc Table 2: Application Fee – NTS Connection Entry Note: The Offer timescale is inclusive of National Grid providing the Feasibility Study and, the formal Offer to its customer
Category Connection criteria Application for a new NTS Connection (storage) Revision to an existing NTS Connection (storage) Simple Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 6 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 6 months Medium Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 9 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 9 months Complex Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 12 months Feasibility Study: required Offer: National Grid to provide to customer within (upto) 12 months Fixed Fee * [ £tbc ] * Includes costs to produce Feasibility Study and the Offer Variable Fee capped at £tbc Table 3: Application Fee – NTS Connection Storage Note: The Offer timescale is inclusive of National Grid providing the Feasibility Study and, the formal Offer to its customer
Connection criteria SimpleMediumComplex The following are satisfied: The proposed connection is not in the vicinity to an existing compressor station The proposed connection is not in the vicinity to existing NTS connection points The offtake/ramp rate required is <=50 MW per minute The supply/ramp rate required is <= [xx] MW per minute There are no multiple operating parameters One of the following is satisfied: The proposed connection is in the vicinity to an existing compressor station The proposed connection is in the vicinity to existing NTS connection points The offtake/ramp rate required is >50 MW per minute The supply/ramp rate required is > [xx] MW per minute The proposed connection is at an extremity of the NTS There are multiple operating parameters Involves changes in operational requirements to an existing National Grid Above Ground Installation (AGI) and/or Metering Installation. One or more of the following are satisfied: The proposed connection is in the vicinity to an existing compressor station The connection proposed is at an existing entry point/onshore terminal facility The connection proposed is on or in close proximity to existing NTS connection points The offtake/ramp rate required is >50 MW/minute The supply/ramp rate required is > [xx] MW per minute The connection proposed is at an extremity of the NTS There are numerous, or a combination of, operating parameters TimescalesUp to 6 monthsUp to 9 monthsUp to 12 months Table 4: NTS Connections - criteria details