UI SE CE WN A metropolitan Area Grid A metropolitan Area Grid C. Vuerli ( 1,2 ), R. Pugliese ( 3 ), F. Liello ( 4 ), F. Pasian ( 1,2 ) ( 1 ) INAF – Information Systems Unit, ( 2 ) INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, ( 3 ) Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, ( 4 ) University of Trieste Lightnet, the new MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) in Trieste dedicated to research is in production since June It is based on Fiber Optic Rings able to bring up to 32 wavelengths (λ), each of them of 1 Gbps given the technology currently chosen for the apparata. Institutes own one or more λs, each dedicated to a specific purpose (connections to the GARR POP, intra-Lightnet connections, intra-Institute connections, specific multi-Institution services or applications). One of the 1 Gb λs of Lightnet is dedicated to an experimental project set up in 2005 aimed at exchanging know-how and at creating a stable Metropolitan Grid Infrastructure (MGI) for the benefit of scientific Institutions in Trieste. During this experimental phase all Grid tools and services necessary to make the infrastructure self-consistent were set up. Scientific communities contributed with a pool of gridified applications. Thanks to the advent of Lightnet, the bottleneck represented by the limited bandwidth available for inter-Institute connections was removed, so operations and further expansions of are now possible. Lightnet 2005: Startup of the project for a Metropolitan Area Network in Trieste.2005: Startup of the project for a Metropolitan Area Network in Trieste. Founder Institutions created an ATS (Associazione Temporanea di Scopo) to manage the project in its early phase.Founder Institutions created an ATS (Associazione Temporanea di Scopo) to manage the project in its early phase. The MAN is made of optical fiber rings bringing up to 32 λ Lightnet.The MAN is made of optical fiber rings bringing up to 32 λ Lightnet. The Lightnet Architecture is highly tolerant wrt physical connection failures.The Lightnet Architecture is highly tolerant wrt physical connection failures. June 2008: Lightnet enters in production. In the current transient phase a single λ only is enabled and VLANs of 100 Mbps each are mapped over it.June 2008: Lightnet enters in production. In the current transient phase a single λ only is enabled and VLANs of 100 Mbps each are mapped over it. 2009:2009: Lightnet will become fully operational: all planned 1 Gbps λs will be enabled. The necessary network devices are being procured in these weeks.Lightnet will become fully operational: all planned 1 Gbps λs will be enabled. The necessary network devices are being procured in these weeks. The ATS will evolve from a temporary entity to a stable legal entity (Consortium) to ensure operations.The ATS will evolve from a temporary entity to a stable legal entity (Consortium) to ensure operations. The experimental phase Took place from February 2005 to January 2006Took place from February 2005 to January 2006 Participants: University of Trieste, SISSA and Democritos, INAF, OGS, Sincrotrone Trieste (Elettra) and ICTPParticipants: University of Trieste, SISSA and Democritos, INAF, OGS, Sincrotrone Trieste (Elettra) and ICTP Middleware (LCG based)Middleware (LCG based) EGRID, partner of managed and tested together with all other partners some central services: BDII, Resource Broker, LFC catalogue, a dedicated VO and the VOMS server.EGRID, partner of managed and tested together with all other partners some central services: BDII, Resource Broker, LFC catalogue, a dedicated VO and the VOMS server. A live CD was produced, based on the LCG-2/EDG software and on the Knoppix system to ease the installation of a new node of the infrastructure.A live CD was produced, based on the LCG-2/EDG software and on the Knoppix system to ease the installation of a new node of the infrastructure. The CA of EGRID issued certificates for CA of EGRID issued certificates for Applications and Grid tools:Applications and Grid tools: computational fluido-dynamics applications, astrophysical applications, new opportunities for massive computing at OGS, Grid-related research activity carried out at Sincrotrone Trieste (portals, various grid-enabled tools, simulations).computational fluido-dynamics applications, astrophysical applications, new opportunities for massive computing at OGS, Grid-related research activity carried out at Sincrotrone Trieste (portals, various grid-enabled tools, simulations). Results presented at the closing event of the experimental phase (27 January 2006).Results presented at the closing event of the experimental phase (27 January 2006). Current status Since February 2006 the infrastructure was developed and maintained by Sincrotrone Trieste (ELETTRA)Since February 2006 the infrastructure was developed and maintained by Sincrotrone Trieste (ELETTRA) Currently the test bed makes use of a modified version of the LCG middleware compatible with the national and European Grid infrastructureCurrently the test bed makes use of a modified version of the LCG middleware compatible with the national and European Grid infrastructure The following tools and services were enabled (Roberto)The following tools and services were enabled (Roberto) Future Perspectives Enable the new Metropolitan Grid Infrastructure (MGI) over the dedicated λ of Lightnet and guarantee its sustainabilityEnable the new Metropolitan Grid Infrastructure (MGI) over the dedicated λ of Lightnet and guarantee its sustainability More sophisticated tools and services available for MGI to attract:More sophisticated tools and services available for MGI to attract: New scientific communities and their challenging applicationsNew scientific communities and their challenging applications Open to non-scientific communities (industry, commerce)Open to non-scientific communities (industry, commerce) Follow a possible expansion of Lightnet beyond the metropolitan boundaries to become a Regional/Inter-Reg Grid (I, A, SLO, HR)Follow a possible expansion of Lightnet beyond the metropolitan boundaries to become a Regional/Inter-Reg Grid (I, A, SLO, HR) Lightnet status (November 2008)