Intuitive Few Clicks High Performance Dependable It’s Fast and Easy
Login Page Enter the Login & Password assigned to you by your Council and select the 2012 Fall Product Sale Campaign. Click “Sign-In”
Home Icon The home page is where you will find messages from your Council. It is also where you will find recap sales and contact information.
Girl Order Page Note the 4 step process listed in the Troop Order container. Step 1 - Enter number of Girls Registered and click “Save”.
Step 2 - Add girls to the system by clicking the “Add Girl Name” button to the left. When the pop up appears, type in the name per the instructions of your Council and click “Add Girl Name”. Keep adding names until you are done.
The girl’s will appear in the bottom container. Step 3 - Add Girl Orders by clicking the green plus icon. FYI – you can also edit a girl’s name (pencil icon) or delete her from the list (red x icon)
All 3 portions of each girl’s order must be “Saved”. Type in the quantities for each Product item and keep tabbing until all items are filled. NOTE: This year both Magazine Dollars & Magazine Units are required. 1) Click “Save” on either side of the “Product Order” container.
Incentives will automatically calculate based on the girls order. Make selections as necessary. 2) Click “Save” on either side of the “Incentives Earned” container.
3) Click “Yes” in the pop up box to complete the order. You must click this to save her order! The system will automatically take you back to the girl list.
As you can see Katie’s totals have been added. Once all orders have been entered, the user should proceed to the final step. Step 4 - click the pink “Submit Nut/Candy Order” button. Note: Girls and QSP items can still be added after you submit your Nut/Candy Order. All girl orders will LOCK after the Council submits their incentive order.
Girl Payments Troops have the ability to track individual Girl Payments in the system. These payments will appear on the G2 report. Click the “Girl Payments” button.
Click “Edit” and enter the dollar amount of each girl’s CUMULATIVE payment and click “Update”.
The G-2 is a great recap report for individual girls.
Reports Icon This page contains all reports as well as manuals and tutorials. The T-2 – Nuts/Candy & Mags Report is especially helpful. If you have any problems opening PDF reports please update your system with the free Adobe Reader upgrade at the top of the page.
The T-2 is a great recap report for Troops!
Icon Service Units are able to send blasts to all of their Troops. This year attachments can be included!
Nut-E Webinars for Troops Starting Your Sale ◦ September 18 6:00 pm ◦ September 20 12:00 pm ◦ September 25 1:00 pm ◦ September 27 6:30 pm Finalizing Your Sale ◦ November 12 1:00 pm ◦ November 136:00 pm