Who are we??? Four Year Comprehensive College of the SUNY system 604 acre campus located on Long Island about 20 miles east of NYC Multicultural and Diversified Student Population of 3900 students Undergraduate Degrees in the School of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees in School of Education and School of Business Our goals for Redesign in the Math Department were to more consistently and successfully prepare students for both proficiency and further coursework.
The College Algebra Course Traditional minutes lectures Mostly adjunct instructors Departmental Syllabus Instructor created assignments and tests No specified department grading rubric Section size of 30 Semester enrollment averaged 300 Redesign Large section of 75 split into 2 tracks each meeting on one day 100 minute lecture one day for each track All adjunct instructors 3 hours required in lab staffed with professional tutors Structured and uniform attendance, grading, assignments, tests, and regulations MyMathLab Common final exam for all sections
Initial Planning First Redesign: Powertrack Math Planning began March 2007 Replacement for unsuccessful course, high failure and drop rate Provost heard about LSU redesign from the SUNY system provost Provost forced action by refusing to run the old course Redesign or No Course Dean visited LSU We copied LSU format Lab was built which had 28 computers All course documentation written MyMathLab set up Instructors and Tutors hired and trained Course up and running Fall 2007 miraculously and successfully!!!!
Next Stop: College Algebra Redesign Another unsuccessful course Students were already asking for Powertrack format to be used in College Algebra, next logical step Began work on SUNY CRI grant at the end of 2007 Team was formed, Powertrack was modified slightly to include 2 track feature separating proficiency students from students needing higher level courses Grant was awarded in May 2008 More syllabi, schedules and MyMathLab assignments and tests created Lab was expanded to 40 computers First pilot of one section of 75 Fall 2008 Spring 2009 pilot up to 2 sections “Fully” Implemented with 4 sections totaling 300 students in both Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 using expanded lab of 82 computers. 3 Traditional sections also offered each semester due to increased enrollment 5 sections totaling 375 students and 1 traditional section of 30 will run in Fall 2010 to accommodate growth in enrollment
Institutional Support Administrative support extraordinary, perhaps due to the fact that redesign effort started from top down. Tutoring budgets continue to be funded in spite of massive SUNY budget cuts. Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences is a core member of the team and has been very involved in the program College community recognizes the improvement and success in both courses and the math department has gained new respect Lab expansion was handled far more quickly than expected due to the support the campus Capital Improvement director. Plans for renovation of the library include a new lab with 100 computers for the program. Hopes are that including this lab will draw student traffic into the library.
Student Reaction A majority of students agreed that they learned more from working independently with the support of the computer materials and tutors than from listening to a lecture. Most students believed that they did better in the redesigned format than they would have in a traditional class. Over 70% of those responding to the survey felt they were prepared to move on to the next level course. Although students complained about the quantity of work and lab hours that were required of them, 55% agreed that they needed to do that amount or work to learn the material. Students like only going to one lecture a week and doing their work at hours convenient to them. Most students find MyMathLab helpful. Most students don’t like attendance requirements and required homework affecting their grades.
Student Comments Mostly Good Ones --- “Math Lab is the Best!! “Great Course, I will retain more math than I did in High School” “Good Class, Like one class a week” “Learned More from doing work on computer” “MyMathLab helped a lot, keep it going” Bad Ones Too ---- “Not an easy class for students who haven’t taken math in years” “Lab a hassle for students who work and commute” “Lab time not helpful, more stressful, rather be alone” “Lab Hours should not be worth so much in final grade” And My Personal Favorite “Them Lab Hours Be Killin Me!!!”