SAUCES A sauce is a liquid which has been thickened by any of the following: A roux- equal quantities of fat and flour, cooked. Corn flour- blended to a paste with liquid. Egg yolks- beaten. Arrowroot- blended to a paste with liquid. All sauces should be smooth, glossy and well seasoned. The purpose of sauces; To give flavour to dull foods. To add nutritive value. To improve appearance. To give additional texture. To add colour. To bind foods together. Moisture to dried foods.
The aims of sauce making. Careful blending of ingredients. Adequate seasoning to complement the sauce. Suitability of the sauce for the food. Preservation of a definite flavour and colour.
TYPES OF SAUCES. SAVOURY White sauce- parsley, cheese. Brown- gravy. Egg based sauce. Salad dressings- mayonnaise. Bread sauce. SWEET Fruit sauce- pureed apple, cranberry. Custard. White sauce- flavour with brandy, chocolate.
TASK- SAUCES Produce an informative A3 fact sheet on sauces. Include the following, work in groups of 3. Types of sauces and where they are used- sweet and savoury. How sauces are made. What is a roux? Flavourings for sauces Definitions of sauces. Purpose of a sauce Aims of sauce making. Dishes made using sauces. Make a sauce dish in your next lesson- lasagne, macaroni cheese or cauliflower cheese.