Kate Middleton By:Hannah Manuel
My name is Kate Middleton. I have five people in my family My name is Kate Middleton.I have five people in my family. I have a sister Pippa ,a brother James and two parents. Three of my grandparents have died. My grandma died of bunchopneumonia when she was 88.
My hometown is Bucklebury,Berkshire,England My hometown is Bucklebury,Berkshire,England.I have lived there most of my life.
I was born in January 9,1982.
I went to England primary school I went to England primary school. Me and my sister pippa went to school together. I graduation in 2005 out of St. Andrews.
My job used to be an accessory buyer My job used to be an accessory buyer. I buy accessories for other people.
I am smart,shy,nice and many other things.
I was christened June 20. I had A to B grade levels so I could go to any college of my choice.
My goal was to find a job suitable for a future princess.
An obstacle of mine was to adjust with the life out of college An obstacle of mine was to adjust with the life out of college.The paparazzi was a big job to handle.
I did a fashion show fundraiser in 2002.