Copyright Wendell Barbour and Christine Gavin This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Wendell Barbour Vice President, Information Resources, Vice President, Information Resources, CSU, Bakersfield CSU, Bakersfield Christy Gavin Library Instruction Coordinator Library Instruction Coordinator CSU, Bakersfield CSU, Bakersfield Integrating Information Literacy into the Academic Curriculum
Student Expertise in IT Mechanics:Computer Literacy Intellectual:Information Literacy Intellectual:Information Literacy
Computer Literacy The computer literate students knows the mechanics of: Operating systemsOperating systems Word processingWord processing GraphicsGraphics SpreadsheetsSpreadsheets
Information Literacy The information literate student knows how to: Determine the extent of the information neededDetermine the extent of the information needed Identifies types/formats of sources of informationIdentifies types/formats of sources of information Accesses needed information effectively and efficientlyAccesses needed information effectively and efficiently Constructs and performs effective search strategiesConstructs and performs effective search strategies Evaluates information criticallyEvaluates information critically Understands the economic, legal and social issues surrounding the use of informationUnderstands the economic, legal and social issues surrounding the use of information Adapted from ACRL, 2001
Information Literacy Initiative National Level critical skill in lifelong learning development of literacy standards development of learning outcomes development of learning outcomes
Information Literacy Initiative CSU 1993 Commission on Learning Resources & Instructional Technology (CLIRT) 1995 CSU Information Competence Work Group 1995 CSU Information Competence Work Group CSU Information Competence Campus’ Projects CSU Information Competence Campus’ Projects 2000 CSU’s Information Competency Assessment Survey 2000 CSU’s Information Competency Assessment Survey 2004 CSU Information Technology Survey (Beta) 2004 CSU Information Technology Survey (Beta)
CSU Information Competency Assessment Survey Conclusions Students find very little appropriate information using the Web Students find very little appropriate information using the Web Students could have found relevant material and spent Less searching time if they had used effective database searching skills. Students give up easily when trying to use library databases and catalogs Students use library databases and catalogs ineffectively
Information Literacy Initiative CSU, Bakersfield 1980s Early Information Competency Programs 1980s Early Information Competency Programs 1998 CSUB Competency Committee 1998 CSUB Competency Committee 2003 CSUB Information Competency Requirement 2003 CSUB Information Competency Requirement CSUB Information Competency Programs CSUB Information Competency Programs
Significance in Higher Education Information literacy is important to a student’s: academic performance academic performance lifelong learninglifelong learning careercareer citizenshipcitizenship