Professionalism Café Day 2 Joe Hart Teacher Development Specialist
PROFESSIONALISM Hashtag: #FREE&EASY Mr. Jessie’s principal described him as having an unprofessional disposition. With your partners, list several behaviors that may have given the principal this perception. If you like, you may dramatize one behavior.
Professional or Amateur Cards
Appropriate CCPS Dress Code – Policy GBRL-R(1) Business suits/coordinated pants suits Collared shirts with and without ties Skirts Dresses Slacks Sweaters, blouses, knit tops, jackets Coordinated dress shorts ensemble with appropriate shoes and hosiery Sweatshirts and tee shirts with school-related insignia Appropriate shoes Attire in accordance with the environmental requirements for specific job assignments
Inappropriate CCPS Dress Code – Policy GBRL-R(1) Shorts (except for physical education) Jeans, including overalls, of any color (acceptable only for special projects or activities or related to specific job assignments) Hats Immodest dress, such as dresses which are too short (more than three inches above the knees) or tight or otherwise revealing Oversized tee shirts and undershirts Leggings/spandex Tank tops See-through clothing Sundress without a jacket Clothing that exposes the midriff Extremely low cut dresses and blouses Exercise sweat suit Flip-Flops Other attire as deemed inappropriate by the building administrator
Appropriate or Inappropriate?
Not even on Jeans Day or Casual Friday…
In Doubt? Remember the 4 B’s No Butt No Boobs No Belly No Back
Proceed with Caution! IF YOU HAVE A DOUBT, DON’T WEAR IT!
Relationships with Students 1. You’re a high school teacher. A 9 th grader runs up to you and gives you a hug. How do you respond?
Relationships with Students 2. You hate the cafeteria food. You have Janel in your class during lunch. Janel goes to McDonalds every day to buy your lunch. You let her drive your car. She returns to school without being tardy. Is this a problem?
Relationships with Students 3. You put Noah out of your class after a heated argument. You walked behind him as he exited your classroom. Then you slammed the door but did not touch him. He reports to his parents that you closed the door on his arm.
Relationships with Students 4. You went to college with your student’s sister. You’re having a party at your home on Saturday night. Your friend wants to bring her brother (your student). Is this a problem?
Relationships with Students 5. You are a male teacher who offers tutoring every Monday and Wednesday; however, very few students stay for tutoring. Most times, Angelina is the only one who stays for tutoring. How should you handle this?
Relationships with Students 6. You have a Facebook page. Several of your students have asked to become your friend. Do you accept?
Attendance Sub-Finder Emergency lesson plans Monday & Friday absences Absences Day before or after a holiday Tardiness Pay Day
Confidentiality In The Faculty Lounge Don’t talk about specific student situations
The Faculty Meeting: What is unsuitable? 1.Don’t ask anything at a faculty meeting that affects only your classroom. Examples are: What time does my class go to lunch? Why are the English teachers holding my students after the bell sounds? 2.Don’t complain about the administration or another teacher in a faculty meeting. 3.Don’t ask questions that can be answered in a smaller setting such as during team meetings or grade level meetings.
Are You a Professional? Are You a Professional? Quiz Do You... (Answer YES or NO) 1.____ Hold the door open to let others pass through first? 2.____ Wait for everyone at the table to be seated before starting to eat? 3.____ Always chew with your mouth closed? 4.____ Keep your elbows off the table and avoid slurping your soup? 5.____ Refrain from using profanity, crude, or vulgar language?