TEXTBOOK ADOPTIONS The Graduate Student Government of NAU
2 W HAT DOES “T EXTBOOK A DOPTIONS ” M EAN ? The textbook ordering process ≈ “course material list“ and its options Textbooks Course packets Digital textbooks Copyright clearances Rental program Books “includED” in course fee “Adopt” the textbook for next semester/year
W HY SHOULD YOU CARE ? 3 1.Save students money Average student spends $1200 a year on textbooks and supplies* 2.Increase student success 3.Reduce unnecessary use of fossil fuels 4.It’s the law Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 * The College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges ( figures) trends.collegeboard.org
H OW CAN YOU HELP ? Order your course materials online by the deadline October 15 th for the spring semester! Consider alternative “course material” options –Contact Jill Christensen the bookstore’s “Course Material Specialist” “Adopt” a textbook for multiple semesters Explore “open textbooks” – open.umn.eduopen.umn.edu Encourage your colleagues to do the same! Develop a textbook ordering structure within your department and/or college The most successful departments and colleges have a person who coordinates the ordering. 4
H OW TO ORDER 5 OR Contact Order online at nau.edu/bookstorenau.edu/bookstore Click on the “Online Adoptions” link at the bottom of the page
Y OUR F EEDBACK What are some of the challenges you face when ordering textbooks? What are the departmental challenges to ordering textbooks? What other factors may prevent you from ordering on time? How can the bookstore help? How can GSG help? 6