Simple Indicators for Sustainable Fisheries Project Objectives INCOFISH WP 7
2 Outline WP Goal List of WP members Brief introduction to indicators concept WP objectives and deliverables WP milestones and time table Open discussion
3 WP 7 Goal Identify, apply, and evaluate the use of indicators that have the potential to end overfishing
4 WP 7 Members are: Joe Ryan Stuart Banks Mauricio Castrejón Graham Watkins Birane Samb Rainer Froese Amanda Stern-Pirlot Michael Ballón Carlos Benites-Rodriguez Lynne Shannon Vachira Lheknim Graham Pierce Cristina Pita CABAL S.A., Nicaragua CDF, Ecuador CDF CRODT, Senegal IfM-GEOMAR IMARPE, Peru IMARPE MCM DEAT, So. Africa PSU, Thailand UNIABDN, Scotland UNIABDN
5 Simple indicators Fisheries management is not working: Top-down control Informed solely by info. from fisheries biology Complex, costly, largely incomprehensible Simple indicators: Reflect condition of fishery Rely on low-cost observations Can be accepted and applied by stakeholders and public Conform to “Pressure, State, Response” framework
6 “Let them spawn!” Indicator: Percentage of mature fish in catch (target = 100%) Response: Fish ruler demarcating minimum length for mature fish
7 PSR Framework PRESSURE Recruitment Overfishing (the taking of immature fish) STATE Percent mature fish in catch tool: fish-ruler RESPONSE “Let Them Spawn!” awareness campaign Tool: fish-ruler
8 WP 7 Objectives Identify suitable indicators Establish parameters needed for indicators for all relevant species/fisheries Test management by indicators with stakeholders and public Analyze progress and problems
9 WP 7 Deliverables Review of existing indicators and selection of suitable, simple indicators (Month 7) Database to make available the parameters needed for application of indicators (Month 13) Web-tool to assist in the application of indicators (Month 19) Test of indicators with real-world fisheries and stakeholders—final report (Month 34) The Big 5
10 WP 7 Milestones 1 st Workshop (now) 2 nd Workshop (Month 20)
11 Questions/Comments?
12 WP 7 Work plan Discuss potential indicators List additional indicators Agree on criteria for selection Rate indicators and choose the most promising ones (potentially not all the same for every targeted fishery). Determine what data is necessary and how/where we will get it. Discuss potential of “umbrella indicator.” Agree on method to bring indicators together in one assessment (if more than one is used) Agree how and where indicators will be tested (who will do what by when) Consider how we can contribute to WP 9 D. 9.2 Developing indicators to monitor the impact of ecotourism on MPAs (some representatives attend WP 9 meeting)