Tamar Sadeh, Director of Marketing Primo Find it! Get it! Prague | June 2009
2 Introducing Primo What is Primo? A demo Architecture and technology Customers: what have they done? Openness and interoperability Primo roadmap
3 What is Primo? An end-user tool for discovery and delivery Addresses the needs of today’s users: Easy to use Provides one access point to all materials Integrates with other spaces
4 Primo Index ILSDigital repository MetaLib knowledge base SFX knowledge base Virtual learning Source Systems Front end
6 Primo Customers
12 More about Primo index, search, and delivery
13 ILS Digital repository MetaLib knowledge base Library- or institution-controlled resources External resources Databases e-journal repositories Other libraries Web resources Harvesting SFX knowledge base Virtual learning Primo Index Indexing © Ex Libris Group--Confidential
14 ILS Digital repository MetaLib knowledge base Library- or institution-controlled resources External resources Databases e-journal repositories Other libraries Web resources Harvesting SFX knowledge base Virtual learning Primo Index Searching Metasearching just-in-time processing © Ex Libris Group--Confidential
15 ILS Digital repository MetaLib knowledge base Library- or institution-controlled resources External resources Databases e-journal repositories Other libraries Web resources Harvesting SFX knowledge base Virtual learning Primo Index Metasearching just-in-time processing Delivering © Ex Libris Group--Confidential
16 External resources Library- or institution- controlled resources Primo Index Other Index Remote resources Deep Search
17 Deep Search Searching 3 rd party repository using API of that repository Can be implemented when: API is available Performance is excellent Results sorted by relevance [Facet information is available] An example: DADS article repository accessed by Primo at the Royal Library of Denmark
18 Primo architecture
19 High-level architecture Search Engine Search Node 1 Search Node 2 Back Office Primo Index Publishing Platform O n l i n e Digital Print Electronic O f f l i n e
20 Publishing Platform Primo Index Loading Normalization Harvesting Enrichment Extract Dedup FRBR Indexing Digital Print Electronic
21 Search Process Primo Index Top 10 Full Records 10 Results Search Node 2 Search Node 1 Search Node 3 Search Engine Federator Query Search engine index
22 Scalability Front End Search Engine Search Node 1 Search Node 2 Front End Search Engine Primo A Primo B Primo I Primo II
24 Primo technology
25 Primo Technology Web application based on Java/J2EE, JBoss, and Struts Scaleable architecture through multiple nodes Web-based administration with in-built configuration wizards, monitoring and maintenance tools and statistical reports
26 Interoperability Supporting industry standards Web services (SOAP) for integration with other applications OpenURL for context-sensitive linking OpenSearch for Web browsers search Standard authentication and authorization frameworks RSS for delivering results OAI-PMH for harvesting content Primo normalized XML (PNX) for exchange of Primo records
27 Publishing Platform
28 Harvesting Source records originate from multiple sources Print, digital, and electronic resources Out-of-the-box pipes Various ILS (Aleph, SirsiDynix Unicorn, Horizon, Voyager, GEAC, Millenium, Sisis SunRise…) SFX KB, MetaLib KB DigiTool, DSpace, Fedora, Content DM Generic pipes for MARC and derivates (MARCXML, MARCExchange, UniMARC) MAB, Dublin Core Incremental updates for bibliographic information and availability
29 Further processing Creating Primo normalized XML records (PNX) Enriching the source data Detects duplicates and creates FRBRized groups
30 Display Search Facets De-dup FRBR Links Delivery Ranking Enrichment … PNX structure
31 Normalisation Rules Define the rules for converting, transforming, and mapping one or more source fields into one or more PNX fields Back office tools provide full control to the librarian
34 Enrichment Library of Congress classification numbers (LCCN) …
35 … are translated to textual descriptions
36 Other examples of enrichment
38 Deduplication and FRBR grouping Duplicates: same bibliographic records FRBR groups: similar bibliographic records Deduplication and grouping serve end-user discovery Grouping has an impact of relevance boosting FRBR
39 Availability Status Updated by a batch process Dedicated pipe Enables the availability facet Checked, in real time, for displayed results Displayed using AJAX Adheres to accessibility guidelines Implemented as a plugin; can be modified by the customer Calculated per institution or library RTA
40 Delivery options Delivery is provided by the source system Upfront indication, based on: Category—physical item, online resource Circulation status for physical items Access restrictions and user authorization for online materials Defined in a PNX section
41 Administration and Control The back office Web-based interface enables set-up, configuration, customization Manages ongoing tasks including scheduling and monitoring Provides consortia support
43 User Interface Options
44 ViewsScopesTabs Defining the search domain Institutions
45 Institution The main administrative unit A user belongs to a single Primo institution The user’s institution determines the SFX instance and MetaLib institution that the user will be linked to The user’s institution is defined based on: User credentials IP range Default institution of the “View”
46 Scope The scope defines where the search takes place A local scope is a sub-section of the Primo repository (similar to Aleph “logical base”) A remote scope is MetaLib QuickSet The default out-of-the-box local scope is the entire local repository In a multi-institution site, an institution is likely to define a search scope per institution
47 Presenting search scopes to the user
48 View A View defines the look and feel, the search scope, and defaults for Primo In a multi-institution site every institution can have its own Primo View and a default View can be defined, too
49 Tab Tabs enable to separate the search and the display of results Separation can be defined per material type (e.g., books and multimedia) or search type (local search and metasearch)
50 Tabs and Search Scopes Tabs may have one or more search scopes
51 Authentication Primo does not have a user database; authentication is mediated via the Patron Directory Services (PDS) component PDS interacts with the local authentication system (LDAP, Shibboleth, CAS) PDS enables single sign on (SSO) for Ex Libris products
52 Authorization For discovery: Local search can be restricted per scopes (based on institution, user group, location) Metasearch is controlled by MetaLib; displayed accordingly in Primo For delivery: Managed by the delivery system Indication is provided, when possible
53 Tile: rectangle areas of designated functionality User Interface Elements (1)
54 Layout: defines the arrangement of tiles to form a page User Interface Elements (2)
55 Cascading style sheets (CSS): define look and feel (colors, fonts) User Interface Elements (3)
56 Text labels: define text per language User Interface Elements (4)
57 Multilingual Interface Every View can support one or more interface languages Design elements are defined per language: Labels Gifs Help files
58 Language Recognition The Primo search engine includes language recognition functionality Language is set by the query Linguistic features are language-dependent DYM Stemming Synonyms
59 Primo case studies
60 What are customers doing? Customizing the interface Adding entry points Liaising with social networking sites Defining adverts Harvesting additional resources Adding Deep Search components Integrating with other local systems
61 Customizing the interface Working with the administration module (e.g., Views) Modifying style sheets, graphics, and texts Changing the page layout Using the Primo open interfaces to develop an alternative interface
62 College Center of Library Automation (CCLA), Florida
64 Customizing the interface Working with the administration module (e.g., Views) Modifying style sheets, graphics, and texts Changing the page layout Using the Primo open interfaces to develop another interface
65 Style sheet, graphics, texts
69 Customizing the interface Working with the administration module (e.g., Views) Modifying style sheets, graphics, and texts Changing the page layout Using the Primo open interfaces to develop another interface
71 What are they doing? Customizing the interface Adding entry points Liaising with social networking sites Defining adverts Harvesting additional resources Adding Deep Search components Integrating with other local systems
81 What are they doing? Customize the interface Add entry points Liaise with social networking sites Define adverts Harvest additional resources Add Deep Search components Integrate with other local systems
83 What are they doing? Customize the interface Add entry points Liaise with social networking sites Define adverts Harvest additional resources Add Deep Search components Integrate with other local systems
87 What are they doing? Customize the interface Add entry points Liaise with social networking sites Define adverts Harvest additional resources Add Deep Search components Integrate with other local systems
92 What are they doing? Customize the interface Add entry points Liaise with social networking sites Define adverts Harvest additional resources Add Deep Search components Integrate with other local systems
94 What are they doing? Customize the interface Add entry points Liaise with social networking sites Define adverts Harvest additional resources Add Deep Search components Integrate with other local systems
96 Primo as an open product
97 What do we mean by an open product? Built from separate, independent software components, interoperable through open interfaces Integrates with existing environment, as entire product or subcomponents Allows for enhancements through locally- developed or 3 rd party code
98 Application programming interfaces (API): Web services and X-services Enables access to one or more capabilities of our solutions through a defined programming interface, used consistently according to specified constraints and policies Example: searchRequest (Web service), Add Review (X-service) Note: metasearching is carried out by using the MetaLib X-services Open interfaces (1)
99 Deep links: URLs that point to a specific HTML page Enable access to internal pages such as result list or the full display of an item Examples: Full View, Brief Search Open interfaces (2)
100 Plug-ins: routines that interact with our applications to provide a specific function Enable institutions or 3 rd party to create new capabilities, extending our applications Examples: Enrich Indexing, Push To Open interfaces (3)
101 Adapters: routines that bridge between our applications and 3 rd party applications Allow applications to interoperate even when having incompatible interfaces Examples: Deep Search, Real Time Availability, SMS Proxy Open interfaces (4)
122 Primo Roadmap
123 Version 2.0: May 08 Google Book Search Integration Refresh Load Pipe Ranking FRBR By highest ranking record in the FRBR MARC Exchange Special characters & transliteration RAC Harvesting rate: 5M in 15hrs Solaris Scalability: More than 38M local records Accessibility Loading configurations from files Upgrade Express Kit Search Engine High Availability Front End Load Balancing High availability & scalability Show PNX In front end UI Notification on failure in crucial processes Real Time Availability Primo toolbar Facets on the left SMS items Learning & phrases in ‘ did you mean ’ Sort by popularity Handling stop words & exact title search Chinese, Tamil, Malay & French Sort by popularity Deep Search Open Interfaces
124 Version 2.1: September 08 FRBR icon with + Push To EndNote Web Disable auto search when switching tabs (configurable) Book covers – Primo selects the best of multiple sources Real time indexing of tags Custom resource types Static facets that present all values with up to 150 values Directories in e-shelf Watchdog Support for Italian, Spanish, Korean Quick search box (DeskBar) Availability status by library & in the brief results page Views inheritance Active/Active SE High Availability Re-normalize without re-harvesting Blending deep search
125 Service packs in 2009 Universal borrowing Loading tags plug-in Korean support Cellular phone interface customers
126 Version 3.0: End of Year OPAC functionality in Primo Additional item details & full bib Hold request, ILL request Library card Course reserves Left-anchored search Browse shelf Recommendations (bX) …more…
127 More in version 3.0 Incorporate Web pages Web ARChive (WARC) file format harvesting A choice of Web crawlers, e.g. HERITRIXHERITRIX Site map, available to search engines Metasearch Search in specific databases Did You Mean Full-text search Further tuning of blending and relevance ranking
128 New layout for user interface
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