Propaganda Techniques. Jumping on the Bandwagon An appeal to act a certain way because everyone else is. An appeal to act a certain way because everyone.


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Presentation transcript:

Propaganda Techniques

Jumping on the Bandwagon An appeal to act a certain way because everyone else is. An appeal to act a certain way because everyone else is. Examples: Examples: All of the younger generation is voting for Obama All of the younger generation is voting for Obama Boy Scouts is the fastest growing organization in the country—Get in the action and join today. Boy Scouts is the fastest growing organization in the country—Get in the action and join today.

Ego Tripping Buying this product will make you more… Buying this product will make you more…

Generalizations Often comparative statements and general language. Often comparative statements and general language.

Glittering Generalities Language and visual images draw the viewer’s attention. Language and visual images draw the viewer’s attention. Often bright colors and splash words. Often bright colors and splash words.

Name Calling Assigning a negative label without any evidence. Assigning a negative label without any evidence. Examples Examples Democrats are such big spenders Democrats are such big spenders Mark is such a loser; stay away from him Mark is such a loser; stay away from him

Testimonials An appeal which uses the recommendation of a famous or respected person. An appeal which uses the recommendation of a famous or respected person. Nikon “CoolPix” cameras Nikon “CoolPix” cameras Move to California Move to California Jenny Craig Jenny Craig

Emotional Appeals Used to arouse emotional reactions. Used to arouse emotional reactions. Examples Examples The humane society tells a moving story about abuse of pets in order to raise money for their shelter. The humane society tells a moving story about abuse of pets in order to raise money for their shelter. Seeing and hearing about poverty stricken children with no shoes or clothes. Seeing and hearing about poverty stricken children with no shoes or clothes.

Slogans Easily fit into jingles Easily fit into jingles $5 $ SAFEAUTO SAFEAUTO I’m Luvin it I’m Luvin it 2 all beef patties 2 all beef patties Meow Meow

Plain Folk Utilizes the ordinary person to sell the product vs. the famous Utilizes the ordinary person to sell the product vs. the famous

False Comparison Comparing unlike things Comparing unlike things Examples Examples Since you are so good at baseball, you’ll be excellent at soccer. Since you are so good at baseball, you’ll be excellent at soccer. There is no way I will eat at a fast food restaurant. I got sick from McDonald’s. There is no way I will eat at a fast food restaurant. I got sick from McDonald’s.

Stacking the Deck To give only one side of the story. To give only one side of the story. Examples Examples Michael Jackson is a great person; just look how successful his music is. Michael Jackson is a great person; just look how successful his music is. Bill left his family for no reason; he didn’t even let them know where he was. Bill left his family for no reason; he didn’t even let them know where he was.

Loaded Words Using words which carry either positive or negative connotations. Using words which carry either positive or negative connotations. Micro-manager Micro-manager Liberal Liberal Example from The Simpsons Example from The Simpsons Lisa: “A rose by any other name smells as sweet.” Lisa: “A rose by any other name smells as sweet.” Bart:”Not if you call them ‘Stench Blossoms.’” Bart:”Not if you call them ‘Stench Blossoms.’”

Snob Appeal Rich people do it… Rich people do it… “You can never be too rich or too thin.” “You can never be too rich or too thin.”