Chocolate project Evariste
Aztecs Aztecs were the first people to use coco pods, around 1400 BC. They used it to do hot chocolate and drank it in parties. That drink was called Xocoatll.
Spanish People Hernan Cortez In 1528 Spanish people stole the cocoa beans and all the gold. But in Spain, this time they added sugar to the cocoa. Cortés was born in 1485 in Medellín, western Spain. He was Spanish. In1504 he sailed for Santo Domingo.moving to Cuba In 1511 where he assisted Diego Velàzquez in his conquest of the island. He thought the cocoa beans could be more valuable than money.
Chocolate and slavery Children from 12 to 16 years old are working for cacao farms as slave, for only $2 or less per day, which is beneath the poverty line.
From Spain to Europe In 1615, the chocolate arrived into France, thanks to Anne, Philipp II of Spain’s daughter, who married Louis XIII. In 1646, it reached Germany. Finally in 1650, England discovered the chocolate.
Growing chocolate Cocoa pods grows on tree trunks. It grows to 20°C. They have up to 40 to 60 beans. We find them in hot places such as Africa South America…
Different types of chocolate White chocolate Black chocolate Cream chocolate Bitter chocolate Bitter sweet chocolate Variations Variations CHOCOLATE Milk chocolate
Bar In 1847 we invented the first eating chocolate bar. It didn’t change very mush taste.
fair trade Fair trade is when people are fair paid. They need to have the right amount of money when they are working, because if not, they won’t have enough money to live.
Belgium and chocolate Belgium’s chocolates are some of the most famous chocolates in the world. Belgian are some of the first chocolates’ consumers in the world. They eat an average of 8kg per person per year. For example, Côte d’Or and Leonidas are very famous
My mum’s “mousse au chocolat” We need: 200g dark chocolate 70% cocoa 50g milk chocolate 5 eggs 50g sugar 1.Melt the 250g chocolate in a “Bain Marie”. 2.Mix firmly the 5 yolks together. 3.Add the melted chocolate to the yolks and mix until smooth. 4.Whisk the 5 egg whites until half foaming, add the sugar whilst whisking and continue to whisk to form a stiff meringue. 5.Mix gently 1/3 of the meringue to the chocolate mix then add the rest, still mixing very gently with your wooden spoon doing 8 shapes. 6.Leave it in the fridge, cover with cling film for at least 4 hours. Bon appétit!