Developing a clinical librarian service in Norway Sara Clarke Specialist Librarian Oslo University Hospital Norway
Which one’s Norway, then?
Norwegian Electronic Health Library
Oslo University Hospital
View from the issue desk..
Process so far.. Meetings! –Meeting with Helsebiblioteket and representatives from Rikshospitalet –Shadowing clinicians to discover their information needs Pilot project –Draw up project plan Literature review Contacts –Use contacts from work with clinical procedures
Clinical librarian project – the future?
National network for clinical procedures
1 Ask question 2 Search 3 Critically appraise 4 Implement 5 Evaluate Ullevaal Model
What’s happening now Establishment of network of interested parties Now a part of Helsebiblioteket Methodology based on AGREE instrument Hospitals being asked to take part in the project First wave of procedures being published
Methodology Check if there is already a clinical procedure under development or completed Use the PICO form to create questions for the literature search Check for any laws that are relevant for the clinical procedure Carry out a systematic search together with a librarian Critically appraise the literature Write the procedure using a template Write a methodology report meeting AGREE criteria Once clinical procedure is approved in own hospital, can be sent to National Network for clinical procedures for sharing with others
Systems Systemer Summaries Oppslagsverk og retningslinjer Synopses of syntheses Kvalitetsvurderte systematiske oversikter Syntheses Systematiske oversikter Synopses of single studies Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier Single studies Enkeltstudier S-pyramiden Best Practice, UpToDate Clinical guidelines The Cochrane Library McMaster PLUS Medline, EMBASE m. fl.
Search method / documenting the search
Where next Expansion of National Network – increased need for librarians? Courses for clinicians Courses for librarians Revision of searching method Increased funding for librarians? Use contacts made to develop Clinical Librarian pilot
Many thanks to: Hilde Strømme Karin Borgen Librarians involved in the National Network for Clinical Procedures Library staff at Oslo University Hospital