1 Recent Images of Planetary Nebulae (+ 2 extras) Dick Steinberg DVAA Meeting August 7, 2009
2 Equipment 12” Meade LX200ACF SCT reflector with 0.63x focal reducer, FL = 2065mm (f/6.8), 0.78”/pixel AP1200 mount on permanent backyard pier, no guiding needed up to ~5 min Orion StarShoot Pro v1 color camera
3 Pier, Mount and Scopes (8/09)
4 Configuration (8/09)
5 Orion StarShoot Pro V1 Data One-shot color camera, Bayer filter matrix 3032x2016 pixels, each 7.8 x 7.8 microns Chip size 25.1x17.6 mm 16 bit dynamic range Thermoelectric cooling Occasional problems with condensation on the external window
6 Sony 1.8” format 6MP chip
7 M57, the Ring Nebula
8 M27, the Dumbbell Nebula
9 NGC7662, Blue Snowball pn
10 NGC Saturn pn
11 NGC6826 Blinking pn
13 Pease 1 Finder chart 1
14 Finder chart 2
15 Finder chart 3
16 Pease 1 (ris, 8/7/2009)
17 Pease 1 closeup (ris)
18 Pease 1 (Stan Moore)
19 HST false color image
20 Ganymede, Io, Europa, J, Callisto
21 Jupiter central meridian (II) =216
22 C/2006 W3 Christensen