Banaras Hindu University
A Course on Software Reuse by Design Patterns and Frameworks
by Dr. Manjari Gupta Department of Computer Science Banaras Hindu University
Lecture 13 UML-F Profile An Introduction (2 nd Part)
describe both hardware and software, as well as read world requirements. multi-purpose language with many notational constructs, does not provide appropriate constructs to model frameworks. provides mechanism that allows extensions. UML
UML-F focuses on object-oriented frameworks. uses the UML 1.4 standard extension mechanisms. UML-F
stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints. «stereotype-name» {tag=value} “{tag}” as shortcut for “{tag=TRUE}” {incomplete} UML Extensibility Mechanisms
UML-F Extensions
new vocabulary is explained through a definition using existing vocabulary. Variable methods are methods that have a well-defined signature, but whose implementation varies for each instantiated application. Extensible classes are classes that may have their interfaces extended during the framework instantiation. Extensible interfaces are interfaces or abstract classes that allow the creation of concrete subclasses during the framework instantiation. Language Description
UML diagrams are extended by the tags {variable}, {extensible}, {incomplete}, {appl- class}, {static}, and {dynamic}.
Presentation tags Basic modeling tags Tags for the essential construction principles Tags for catalog patterns and new domain-specific patterns Tags for UML-F Profile
deal only with the visual representation of elements ellipsis (“…”) are to mark omissions of attributes and methods “©” is used to mark completeness and the tag “…” is used to explicitly mark incompleteness. the “…” tag is the default. Presentation tags
L (hierarchy-symbol): all elements are shown (expanded or flat version) d (delta): only the delta is shown Flat and hierarchical representation of the design
Presentation Tags Method is Inherited Newly defined Method Method is redefined but uses inherited method Method is abstract
Tag nameApplies toValueDescription «fixed» Class, Method, Generalization BoolThe element is fixed. «adapt-static» Interface, Class, Method, Generalization Bool The element can be adapted during design-time through subclassing. «adapt-dyn» Interface, Class, Method, Generalization Bool The interface, class, method can be changed through dynamic loading of new subclasses during runtime. «application» Class, Package, Interface Bool The element belongs to the application. «framework» Class, Package, Interface Bool The element belongs to the framework. «utility»Class, Package, Interface BoolThe element belongs to a utility library or the runtime system. Basic modeling tags
Unification principle Separation Decorator Composite Chain of responsibility UML-F Pattern Tags
«template» and «hook» UML-F Pattern Tags
class TH three UML-F tags annotate the Unification construction principle in a framework: Unification–TH» marks the class Unification–t» marks the template method Unification As a short cut «Unif–TH», «Unif–t» and «Unif–h» UML-F Pattern Tags- Unification Principle
each pattern description has a section labeled Structure which shows a class diagram. set of UML-F tags «PatternName–methodName», «Pattern-Name–ClassName» «PatternName–InterfaceName» «PatternNameassociationLabel» and «PatternName-attributeName» UML-F tags for design patterns
UML-F tags for the Factory Method pattern
«FacM–Creator» «FacM–facM» «FacM–anOp» «FacM–Product» «FacM–ConcreteProduct» «FacM– ConcreteCreator» «FacM–facM» UML-F tag set for the Factory Method pattern
Use of unification Principle
are not general enough to be published in pattern catalogs, rely on one of the essential framework construction principles. The structure of a domain-specific pattern defines the tags. should also be annotated by GoF pattern tags or the tags of the core construction principles. UML-F tags for domain specific patterns