Review The Reproductive System
Review The main function of the reproductive system? To create a new individual What is a gamete? Is a cell that fuses with another cell during fertilization(sperm and ovum) What is a zygote? The single cell formed that results from the union of sperm and egg; a new life How many chromosomes do we have? 23 pairs, for a total of 46 Females have two copies of the these (sex chromosomes?) X chromosome Males have? One X and one Y chromosome
Review This is when the testes fail to descend or if they return to the abdomen? Undescended testicle(s) What is the primary sex organs of the male? The testes What hormone aids in the maturing of sperm? Testosterone This is a coiled structure about 20 feet long, sits on top of the testes? Epididymis This serves as the passageway for sperm to exit the epididymis, this propels sperm into the urethra? The vas deferens
Review A pair of tubes lying posterior to the bladder, these vesicles secrete a fluid that contains fructose(sugar) which provide nutrients to sperm? The seminal vesicles This is a donut-like structure with the urethra extending through its center, preserves sperm? The prostate gland The combined secretions from all the glands and ducts along with the sperm are called? Semen This is a surgical removal procedure of the foreskin of the penis(helps with infections)? Circumcision This is a simple surgical procedure to prohibit the production of sperm and effect sterilization of the male? Vasectomy
Review This is the medical term for inflammation of the epididymis? Epididymitis This is the medical term for the inability to have or sustain an erection to complete intercourse? Erectile dysfunction or impotence This is the presence of an excessive amount of fluid within structures around the testes? Hydrocele This is the region between the scrotum and the anus? Perineum Medical Term for a low sperm count? Oligospermia
Review The primary sex organs of the female? The ovaries The ovaries secrete what two hormones? Estrogen and progesterone These tubes extend about 4 inches from the distal surface of the uterus and move ovum toward the opening of the tubes? The fallopian tubes Imbedded in the fallopian tubes, they move to create a current moving the ovum toward the uterus? Cilia When should the zygote move into the uterus for implantation and development? Within 3 to 7 days
Review This is an abnormal pregnancy that occurs outside the womb (uterus)? An ectopic pregnancy This is a thick-walled, hollow, muscular organ lying within the pelvis, the main function is to nourish the developing fetus prior to birth? Uterus This is a narrowed section and internal opening of the vagina, allows sperm to pass from the vagina into the uterus? Cervix This is a collapsible muscular tube lined with mucous membrane, which is arranged in folds, serves as the passageway for menstruation, an organ for sexual intercourse, and the birth canal for the delivery of an infant? Vagina
Review This is the area that contains all the female external sexual structures? The vulva This is the large pad of fat, covered with hair is known as the? Mons pubis These are the pairs of rounded folds of skin on each side of the vulva? The labia majora These lie within the labia majora and are covered with mucous membranes the line the vagina? The labia minora
Review This is a female genital organ that includes erectile tissue, glands, muscles and ligaments, nerves and blood vessel, also lies within the vulva? Clitoris These are secondary sexual structures that develop and function only in the female, each lobe have connective tissue with grapelike clusters of secreting cells embedded in the tissue? Mammary glands The darkened area that surrounds the nipple? Areola Medical term for surgery to enlarge the breasts? Breast augmentation This hormone stimulates the production of milk? Prolactin
Review This is the process in a female's menstrual cycle by which a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum? Ovulation The process that involves a sperm fusing with an ovum? Fertilization The ovum must be fertilized within how many hours? 24 hours
Review Medical term for refraining from sexual intercourse? Abstinence The first indication of pregnancy would be? Missed menses This is an injection contraception that is given every three months? Depo-Provera This is a small piece of plastic material inserted into the uterus to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg? Intrauterine device(IUD) This is the spontaneous or induced loss of pregnancy of less than 20 weeks? Abortion This is a blood test taken at about 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy to aid in the detection of birth defects? Alpha-fetoprotein screening(AFT)
Review This is a medical procedure used in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections, in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is examined? Amniocentesis What happens in the first stage of labor? Regular uterine contractions about 5 min apart This is an examination and biopsy of the cervix, done to rule out cancer when there are abnormal pap smears? Colposcopy Medical term known as precancerous cells on a pap smear(cervix)? Cervical dysplasia
Review An x-ray of the breast for the detection of malignancy? Mammogram At what age is a mammogram recommended? 35 to 40 years of age This is a routine examination done on secretions removed from the cervix and upper vagina to determine the presence of cancerous cells? Papanicolaou(pap smear) This is inflammation of the cervix? Cervicitis
Review This is the presence of multiple lumps within the breast tissue, the lumps may be fibrous tumors? Fibrocystic breast disease This is the bulging of the anterior wall of the vagina and the bladder into the vaginal canal? Cystocele This is the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, affecting the ovaries, ligaments, and peritoneal tissues, this can lead to pain, irregular bleeding, and problems getting pregnant? Endometriosis
Review This is the surgical removal of the uterus? Hysterectomy This is a sac of fluid on an ovary, it is usually nonmalignant and small? Ovarian Cyst This refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5 to 11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle? PMS(premenstrual syndrome)
Review This is the most common malignancy among females and the number two cause of death? Breast cancer This is surgical removal of one or both breasts, partially or completely? Mastectomy This is one of most frequent sexually transmitted disease, experience burning on urination and/or discharge from the penis/vagina, symptoms do not easily lead to diagnosis? Chlamydia This is a common veneral disease, the usual sites are the vagina, penis, rectum, and mouth, in men, symptoms may take up to a month to appear? Gonorrhea
Review This is an acute, inflammatory disease of the genitalia, produces painful sores in the genital area? Herpes simplex 2 This is an acute, inflammatory disease that causes sores around the mouth and lips, spread through kissing or sharing objects? Herpes simplex 1 Is genial herpes viral or bacterial? Viral This is a disease that causes genital warts that are soft growths on the skin and mucus membranes of the genitals? Human Papillomavirus(HPV) This is the common term for lice found in the pubic hair of humans, also referred to as crabs? Pediculosis Pebis(pubic lice) This is a acute or chronic infection of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries caused mostly by gonorrhea, chlamydia, or IUD devices? Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID)
Review This is a sexually transmitted disease, signs and symptoms include a firm, round, small, and painless sores on the genitals, anus, or mouth, or a rash on the body, especially on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet? Syphilis This is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the parasite? Trichomoniasis