Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 1998 with Amendments from 2002 OVERVIEW
HSIA of 1998 Amended the Act of ``An Act to define the functions and duties of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and for other purposes'', approved August 6, 1947 (33 U.S.C. 883a et seq.).
HSIA of 1998 Initiated in 1996 by the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries and Oceans; Subcommittee approached by hydro contractors; An oversight hearing was held and a new bill created to amend the 1947 Act.
Issues that prompted the 1998 Bill: Hydro Contractor and NOAA relationship; Survey backlog; Digital future of charting and mapping; NOAA’s antiquated equipment and vessels; No broad survey plan from NOAA; Authorize funding for certain charting, mapping, geodetic and tides and currents line items; Emphasis on maritime.
Issues that prompted the 2002 amendments Need for quality control criteria by which contractors could begin near shore measurements; (Section 304) Interest from maritime coalition for creation of a FACA to continually assess these programs (HSRP); Require that NOAA design, install, maintain and operate real-time hydrographic monitoring systems to enhance maritime safety and efficiency; Address coastal management interests in getting hydro data from Coast Survey; Reauthorize appropriations levels through FY 2007.
General Provisions The HSIA was intended to address NOAA’s hydrographic “services” to acquire hydrographic “data”; “Hydrographic data” means: –information acquired through hydrographic or bathymetric surveying, photogrammetry, geodetic, geospatial, or geomagnetic measurements, tide and current observations, or other methods, that is used in proividing hydrographic services. [Are there other data the HSRP should add?]
General Provisions, Cont’d “Hydrographic services” means: –Management, maintenance, interpretation, certification, and dissemination [add “integration”?] of the described data, including production of nautical charts, nautical information databases, and other products derived from hydrographic data; –The development of nautical information systems; and –Related activities [add “such as integrated, real-time water observations to include but not be limited to water levels, currents, wind, etc that can be readily available to the user?]
Functions of the Administrator NOAA is supposed to: –Acquire and disseminate hydro data; –Promulgate standards for hydro data; –Promulgate standards for hydro services; –Ensure comprehensive geographic coverage of hydro services in cooperation with other Feds; –Maintain a national database of data in w/ other Feds; –Provide data in uniform, easily accessible formats; –Develop int’l standards; and –Where practicable and cost-effective, use contracts or other agreements with private sector;
Acquisition and dissemination of data (depending upon funding) can be fulfilled by: –Procure, lease, evaluate, test, develop and operate vessels, equipment, and technologies necessary to ensure safe navigation and maintain operational expertise in data acquisition and services; –May enter into contracts and other agreements; –Shall award contracts for acquisition of data in accordance with the Brooks Act. How the Administrator Can do This:
2002 Nod to Coastal Mgt. Needs Conservation and Mgt. Provision: –Where appropriate and to the extent that it does not detract from the promotion of safe and efficient navigation.
Quality Assurance Program This provision was of special interest to subcommittee staff; Addresses publicly or commercial available products produced by non-Federal entity that includes or displays hydro data; NOAA shall develop and implement a QA program that is equally available to all applicants. (This was discussed at previous HSRP meeting); Discusses Hydro Services Account, etc.
HSRP created in 2002 Amendments Provisions previously reviewed at HSRP meetings; Provisions are straight forward; –Advise Administrator; –Administrator will provide resources to Panel; –Membership/15 voting members, etc. Hydro surveying, tide, current geodetic and geospatial, marine transportation, port administration, vessel pilotage, and coastal and fishery management. –Panel shall include Director of Joint Hydro Institute and no more than 2 employees of NOAA as nonvoting members. –Four year terms, one reappointment, nominations yearly; –Chair and vice chair; –Compensation established by Secretary up to rate under Section 5376 of title 5, US Code while on duty + expenses; –At least biannual meetings; –Can carry out reasonable powers as necessary to do the job.
Appropriations Line item authorizations for: –Nautical mapping and charting; –Hydrographic Surveys including the leasing and time chartering of vessels; –Operation of hydrographic survey vessels owned by US and operated by NOAA; –Geodetic functions; and –Tide and current measurement functions. –(From 2002) – up to $20 million to enhance homeland security, ENC’s, Hydro surveys, real time tide and current and geodetic functions above previous auths.
Things to Consider HSIA should be reauthorized by end of this Congress though simple extension could be implemented (would not provide for amendments but would extend the HSRP and authorities to appropriate line items); HSIA is not a priority for Congress at this time so HSRP needs to ask Administrator to promote such; The simpler the auth. the easier to pass (i.e. limit references to IOOS) but are there real hydro service needs that should be addressed? HSRP provisions need little change other than extension of authorization; Be careful of changes which would alter the committee jurisdiction.
H.R. 958 (not passed) Introduced as Hydro Services Amendments of 2003; To authorize certain hydro services programs and to name a cove in Alaska in honor of a deceased seaman; Created “4 regional navigation response teams”; –Original inclusion was 10, maritime asked for 15, got 4 in final House bill; Authorized use of volunteer services; Elaborated on the QA program; Admin will annually study and report to HSRP steps taken to comply with collection and production of new hydro data and products, including consultation with Fed. Geographic Data Committee; 6 months after enactment, NOAA tell Congress plan for increasing contracting; Acquire new hydro survey vessel w/ caveats and reports; Require NOAA and Interior to unify shoreline mapping products; Also authorized fishery survey vessels. Passed the House, not the Senate.