LADA Assistance to the CACILM CMPF Support Project Sustainable Land Management Information System LADA Project Steering Committee Meeting and Technical Workshop Rome, Italy, 28 November - 1 December 2006
CACILM – Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management Partnership between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Usbekistan, and the International donor community GEF, GM, ADB, IFAD, World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, ICARDA, CIDA (Canada), GTZ (Germany), SDC (Switzerland) Other partners FAO, IDB, UNCCD Secretariat
CACILM – Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management Goal The restoration, maintenance, and enhancement of the productive functions of land in Central Asia, leading to improved economic and social well-being of those who depend on these resources while preserving the ecological functions of the land. Total timeframe of CACILM : 10 years 1 st Phase funded: US$ 20 million (OP-15) over the next 3 years
CACILM – Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management 1. National Programming Framework (NPF) with a common set of nine programme areas: capacity building for strengthening the enabling environment capacity building for integrated land use planning and management sustainable agriculture in rainfed lands sustainable agriculture in irrigated lands sustainable forest and woodland management sustainable pastureland management integrated resource management protected area management and biodiversity conservation remediation in the region of the former Aral Sea
CACILM – Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management 2. Multicountry Programme Framework (CMPF) to capture added value and synergy: Capacity building for mainstreaming sustainable land management and ensuring that it is integrated into planning and management Development of a sustainable land management information system Sustainable land management research Knowledge management and information dissemination
CACILM – Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management CACILM Task Force identified the need for a CMPF Support Project to ensure a common basis to reach the objectives of CACILM to use a comprehensive and integrated approach to SLM across all CAC for implementation of the national programmes under the NPFs to improve the capacity of institutions in CAC to adopt integrated land use planning and management to take into consideration current international efforts towards the harmonization of land data and information management
CACILM – Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management Multicountry Activities of the CACILM Support Project US$ million over 2.5 years Sustainable Land Management Information System (SLMIS) FAO Knowledge Management Plan and Information Dissemination Programme ADB Sustainable Land Management Research Programme ICARDA
Sustainable Land Management Information System SLMIS Phases and Components Inception Phase Presentation of LADA methodology to a wide range of stakeholders at national and local level. Nomination of SLMIS National Coodinators Inception workshop at national level – creation of SLMIS technical task force Multicountry workshop with SLMIS task forces from all CACs Development of workplan
Sustainable Land Management Information System SLMIS Phases and Components Capacity Building for Land Degradation Assessment LADA Training Programmes to promote awareness of land degradation problems assessment, monitoring and rehabilitation techniques Training of trainers and curriculum development organized by FAO and its partners Toolbox for land degradation assessment Indicators
Sustainable Land Management Information System SLMIS Phases and Components Design Preparation of System Design Document Monitoring and Data Collection Information Technology Component Compilation of National Land Degradation Information Data Sharing and relation to LADA Project FAO’s LADA Virtual Centre serves as core system and platform for interaction
Sustainable Land Management Information System SLMIS Phases and Components Development and Testing Data Collection with enhanced focus on indicators Development and testing of prototype Preparation of documentation and on-line user manuals Deployment Specification of data sharing arrangements Roles and responsibilities of administrators Operation, maintenance, quality control Reporting on key land degradation indicators at national, sub-regional and global level Implementation of Specific Applications Hot Spot and Bright Spot Analysis of NDVI Trends
Sustainable Land Management Information System Linkage of SLMIS with Performance Monitoring System To ensure systematical tracking of important SLM indicators in the NPF and CACILM logical frameworks
Sustainable Land Management Information System In conclusion, FAO’s assistance to CACILM will provide an overview of land degradation and its causes (mapping and documents) establish a baseline for monitoring and evaluation harmonize mechanisms for data collection and analysis at regional, national and local level provide a platform for storing and sharing information at different levels take into consideration current international efforts towards the harmonization of land data and information management improve the capacity of institutions in CAC to adopt integrated land use planning and management document best practices, useful for mitigation measures and rehabilitation projects. identify priority areas for conservation, rehabilitation action, investments, and related technology choices contribute to the effective use of (donor) funds