The Divine Comedy Donte’s Inferno Canto XXIX Presented by Jeroderick Allen
Donte is still in the eighth circle the male bolge where the ninth pouch unveils the sowers of scandal and schism unveils the falsifiers of metals (Alchemist) plaqued by scabs Donte is still in the eighth circle the male bolge where the ninth pouch unveils the sowers of scandal and schism unveils the falsifiers of metals (Alchemist) plaqued by scabs Donte eyes are inebriating at the many souls and outlandish wounds that these mutilated souls have
Donte recognizes a familiar soul who calls his name he looks at the soul with intent in his eyes saying to his guide I think a spirit born of my own blood laments the guilt which down below cost so much Donte is reminded not to let his thoughts about Geri del Bello interrupt him he must attend to other things
Donte and Virgil crawl down into the final cloister if the Manabulge. Donte suddenly feels the force of strange laments like arrows whose shafts are barbed with pity Donte placed his hands across his ears from the irritating noise
Donte compares the final cloister stench to the suffering of the vai di chiana, Mafemma’s and the sardinas plaque of malaria. As they climbed deeper into the final cloister Donte could see more vividly into the bottom
List of Characters VirgilDonte Griffolino Capoccnio Ger del Bello Albero