Also known as… Ways to keep Central Office Staff happy. Things you need to know!
This is how to fill out a Referral Form The first section is general information. ALL of it is important to our record keeping. The second section is the location, it’s a simple checkbox of where the infraction occurred. Section 3 is where you define the behavior. If the event was minor, you dealt with it and Julie just needs to record it please check the Minor box. Only check one behavior. True, kids are non-compliant, defiant and may have a weapon at the same time. Check the most damaging behavior…in that example the weapon trumps all others. You can include the rest in your written details. Section 4 please check a box on why you believe the behavior occurred. Also check a box on who else was involved. There should be one box checked in each section every time. Each building form may different
A student came to me about bullying… You will need to fill out a bullying report form. These are online forms that you can fill out on your computer..
How to order items… If you need to order some supplies for your classroom you need to fill out a Requisition form. This form can be found on the public folders in the system. Please fill in vendor information. Fill in the ordering information. Including subtotal, shipping and total. Total all pages is only used if you have multiple pages for an order from 1 company. Fill in your name under “Requested by.” On rare occasions I have had to decline to order items. If it is useful and we have the budget I try to get it done.
What if I need reimbursed or I’m purchasing something locally? We can charge items at many local businesses. On trips within the state of Wyoming meals may be charged at some restaurants. To do either, you need prior approval from your administrator and a Voucher You need to fill in the Vendor information. Fill out the description information and the Employee, Purpose, etc. section. ITEMIZED receipts are required. If you charge an item on the school account and do not turn in a receipt that charge will be taken from your pay. If you are purchasing something then someone from the store or restaurant must sign here. If you are being reimbursed for a purchase you need to sign here. Once the voucher is turned in and your building supervisor will sign on the Supervisor Approval line.
I would like to go to a training what do I fill out? In this case you fill out a Professional Leave Request. They are to be in YELLOW. The Central Office is being very particular about having these COMPLETELY filled out. They also need to be turned in 30 days in advance! Professional Development needs to be focused on our building and district goals. You need to be able to explain how the training relates and how you will share it and use it. You need to fill out ALL the expense areas. If something isn’t need fill in N/A. Estimate the cost of a hotel room if needed. (If you don’t put a 0 or an N/A Central office will send it back to you.) You may only be reimbursed for mileage if there is not a district vehicle available. All ground transportation is your responsibility to arrange. Make sure you sign it here Attach a flyer for the conference.
I need to take some personal time or a sick day what do I fill out? First some notes: Only 10% of staff can be out on personal leave, so your leave may be denied. Personal leave must be requested in advance. If you need to call in sick, then you call the sub caller directly. Please make sure you fill the form out completely. If you are out of sick or personal time then check Yes for the leave without pay. If this is an emergency, ie..short notice given for the leave, please check Yes. You may be required to provide documentation for absences under sick leave.
When I’m gone I’ll need a substitute. What do I fill out for that? This is the Substitute Request form, it’s pink. Please make sure that you fill the form out completely and neatly. (I only add that because it is a handwritten one!) Turn the form in to your building secretary. It be would advised all of you who coach, to turn in requests for substitutes early.
I want to take these kids on a trip! That’s fabulous! You need to fill out a Trip Proposal. Please make sure all items are filled in. The transportation plan needs to list the times of all pick up and drop offs. Don’t for get to sign it! Please coordinate these trips with the calendar located in the office.
Maybe we’re not ready to go out of town yet… You can take them on walking field trips by filling out this form! You still need to check the calendar in the office to coordinate with other building events.
Oops, while we were walking someone twisted an ankle… That means you fill out an injury report! Injury reports should be filled out for any injury that occurs while under our supervision. Please make sure you fill it out completely! Dates, times, ages, etc. are important for insurance purposes! In the notification section you need to fill in who notified each person-if you talked to the school nurse please fill in your name. If you leave it up to the child to notify their parent (bad idea) fill in the student name.