1.Dates 2.Trip Eligibility 3.Cost 4.Payments 5.Tour Company and Bus Company 6.Chaperones 7.Room Assignments 8.Tentative Itinerary 9.Fundraising 10.Forms 11.Questions?
Dates May 27 – June 1, 2016
The trip is open to all grade 9 students at Gorsebrook Jr High who are in good standing.
The estimated cost of the grade 9 trip is $ The final cost of the trip will be determined based on a final itinerary and number of participants.
1 st payment of $150 due Oct nd payment of $150 due Nov rd payment of $150 due Jan th payment of $150 due Feb.11 5 th payment of $150 due Mar th payment of $150 due Apr. 7 Final payment of approximately $150 due May 5
Tour and Bus Companies For our trip, we will be working with Bonaventure Tours to arrange our trip. This company will be arranging travel by motor coach with Coach Atlantic.
We will be using school staff as chaperones for this trip. The supervision ratio is 1 chaperone for every 10 students.
Students will be sharing a room based on 4 students per room. Roommate decisions will be made in April.
The itinerary that we have in place now is tentative. There may be activities changed or added before it is finalized. We are still hoping for an opportunity for students to see Cirque du Soleil or a professional soccer game while in Montréal. These schedules are not confirmed yet.
There will be several opportunities for students to fundraise for the trip. The school will organize at least one fundraiser per payment period to help offset the payments. Parent volunteers
4 forms to be completed by Oct Application and Heath Information 2. Permission/Consent 3. Behaviour Expectations and Responsibilities 4. Parental Acceptance Form (company request)