Electronic Medical Records Proposal
Introduction / Proposal Abstract Intention Objectives Advantages Measures Background Timeline
Objectives Stakeholders Information Systems System Assortment and Acquirement Procedure The Connection Among System Selection and Strategic Goals Objectives
Recognize Stakeholders Hospitals, Doctors Community Health Clinics Local Public Health department Use: Sponsoring all through the existence of the system, evaluating as a very important component of it.
HIPAA (Confidentiality and Protection) HIPAA Title II Information Systems in the Healthcare
Acquisition Procedure Steering Board Project Manager Project Target Scope Analysis Vendor Analysis System objectives System needs (Wager, Lee, Glaser, 2009).
System Selection oDiscover Choices for Acquiring System oContract with System Developer oAssess Vendor Offers oEstablish Evaluation Criteria oSet Up Cost-Benefit and Vendor Evaluation oPerform Contract Negotiations (Wager, Lee, Glaser, 2009).
The relationship amid system selection and strategic objectives. Objectives: Patient care. increase their medical information system abilities in an attempt to enhance patient security, enlarge healthcare quality, and reduce expenditures. EHR will convey: Assist reimbursement and study Clinical decision-support abilities and access to the current relevant study answers, alerts, reminders, and other knowledge supports.
The Associations Existing Difficulties Decide Enhancements. System User’s Assess Informational and Functional Requirements. Assess EMR Vendors and displays. Visit Health Care Associations with EMRs.
Management Responsibilities and Benefits Measurements Team Members Doctors Nurse Supervisor Lab Supervisor Radiology Director CIO IT Analyst
Conclusion Electronic Healthcare Proposal Future Guarantee Advantages
References Brown.C. (2005) Information System Security, Vol.14,Iss.1; pg.10,11 pgs. Retrieved , from proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/ pqdweb?index=2&did= &SrchMode=1&sid= 2&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&V Name=PQD&TS= &clientId= proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/ pqdweb?index=2&did= &SrchMode=1&sid= 2&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&V Name=PQD&TS= &clientId=13118 Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed.). ch 6, pp 4. Sanfrancisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved System Implementation Process p173