Other Stuff Famous Folks Group Behavior Individual Behavior Culture & Expectations
_______: Beliefs held by a group as to how people should behave
________ ________: These are beliefs/norms that are accepted to be correct without thought or consideration. “Normal” or “right” ways to behave. (Ex: Saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day at school without giving thought to the meaning behind it.)
_______ _______ _________: The expectations that we have of others greatly influence their behavior (either positively or negatively)
____________: The belief that your own culture is superior to others _________: The belief that your race/ethnic group is superior to others (or that others are inferior)
(2 similar terms) ________ : Changing one’s own thoughts/beliefs to align with that of a group’s. __________: Changing one’s own behavior to align with the of a group’s
_______ Theory is a broad concept: We seek to understand people by understanding the causes of their behavior.
________ __________: We explain our own actions in ways that preserve our self esteem. Our successes are due to our hard work and efforts, while failures are due to external factors beyond our control. (Also referred to as Self-Serving Bias)
_________ _________ ________: We tend to overemphasize internal motives for others behavior, but external motives for our own behavior. (Ex: Crazy driver = He must be a rebel! We drive crazy = We can’t help that slow drivers force us to weave in and out of lanes!)
_____ ______ ________: “Surely the world isn’t a bad place. Bad things don’t happen to good people. Therefore, bad things must happen to BAD people!”
____ ________: We analyze the attitudes and opinions of others before we form our own.
Also known as “Risky Shift”, this term refers to the tendency of groups to make decisions that are more extreme than the inclination of individual members
This term refers to the tendency of people to work less when in a group than when working individually
This term refers to the loss of self-identity & self- awareness in groups
________ refers to the desire for harmony & conformity within groups and how that desire often leads to an incorrect outcome (For example: Although there is no substantial evidence presented to them, many members of a jury agree with a “guilty” verdict so that there will be a unanimous decision.)
_______ ________ refers to the tendency of people to do better on simple tasks when in the presence of other people because an atmosphere of evaluation has been created.
This Yale professor conducted a famous (and controversial) study in the 1960’s on obedience to authority. Subjects were asked to deliver an electric shock to others in increasing amounts. 26 of the 40 participants delivered the full range of 450 volts!
This social psychologist was most famous for his experiments on conformity that demonstrated the power of social pressure.
This famous social psychologist developed the theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Also developed the Social Comparison Theory…we come to know ourselves by evaluating our beliefs and attitudes with those of other people.)
This social psychologist is best known for the Stanford Prison Study in which 24 graduate students were placed in the role of either prison guards or prisoners. The experiment was cut short due to the extreme behaviors of participants.
(Couldn’t think of a 5 th person, but this is a psychologist we’ve mentioned in the past…) Along with Carl Rogers, this guy is known as one of the creators of the Humanistic Perspective in psychology.
The _____ Effect refers to the tendency of people to work harder & increase productivity when they know they are being observed. (Famous study in Chicago at an electric company sought to study effect of light levels on production, but productivity decreased across the board once study was over.)
This term refers to the fact that people are much less likely to get involved in a situation where help is needed if there are many other people around.
_______ behavior describes good deeds that are done without expectation of reward.
Explain the “Great Person Theory”
_______ _______ __ __________: When people make a decision by gathering information and making a well-informed decision (Not being influenced by incidental cues such as the attractiveness of a speaker.)