Andy Shaw May 2005
Section Contents: 1.Culture & Diversity 2.Personal interests 3.Behaviours 4.Tolerance & Acceptability 5.Age related issues 6.Risk Issues 7.Health and Support issues 8.Social compatibility & engagement skills 9.Incompatibility traits 10.General issues Client name: Those being considered they could live with Names of assessor’s Names of those involved in assessment Assessment Details:
1.What are the common life themes in terms of the person’s compatibility with other member(s) What are the religious or ethical considerations that need to be considered between this person and the other member(s) Are there any deeply held beliefs or cognitive distortions held by this person, that is likely to bring them into conflict with the other member(s)
1.Does this person have any personal interests which is likely to bring them into conflict with other member(s) Does this person have any personal interests which is likely to endear them to other group member(s) In terms of this individuals age and background are they likely to be able to find personal interests that they will be able to share with other member(s)
1.In terms of this persons behaviour do you believe they are likely to get along with other member(s) the majority of the time, why? In terms of this persons behaviour do you believe they would be conscious of how they would impact upon other member(s), and how would this make a difference to group dynamics? In relation to other member(s) how do you believe this person will have to change, in order to facilitate compatibility?
1.What is it about this persons nature or personality which would make them tolerant or intolerant of other member(s) What is it about this persons nature or personality which is likely to endear them to, or inflame other member(s) What skills or cognitive changes do you believe will have to occur, prior to this person becoming compatible with other member(s)
1.In terms of the peoples ages and demeanours, do you consider this person to be compatible with other member(s), why? Do you consider that this person would relate to other member(s), in terms of being their friend, mentor, life apprentice or house mate and for what reasons? How do you believe this person would have to change in order that one of the above relationships could develop with other member(s)
1.What do you believe to be the major risk issues involved in attempting to enable this person to live with other member(s) What do you believe would have to occur for these risk issues to be minimised Should this person join other member(s) in the intended environment without the correct level of support or management, what do you perceive could happen?
1.Are you aware of any Mental Health issues, which are likely to compromise the well being of anyone involved, should this person go to live with other member(s) Are you aware of any Physical Health issues, which are likely to compromise the well being of anyone involved, should this person go to live with other member(s) Are you aware of any psychological, emotional, neurological or sensory issues, which may bring about similar difficulties
1.Are you aware of any problems why this person would be incompatible with other member(s), in terms of accessing social opportunities or needing different social networks Are you aware of any reason why this person would embarrass or bring other member(s) lifestyles into disrepute in terms of social acceptance either locally or generally What would need to occur in terms of education or management for these difficulties to be overcome
1.What do you believe would be the main reasons why this person would be incompatible with other member(s) they are being considered to live with What if anything, do you believe can be done to overcome these difficulties What difference is this likely to make in terms of the long term living arrangements of all those involved
1.Are there any perceived difficulties or problems that you can anticipate should this client live with other member(s) that this questionnaire has not covered, and what do you consider these to be Are there any legal, moral or ethical reasons you are aware of, why this person should be considered incompatible with other member(s) In terms of this person developing a compatible relationship with other member(s), what chance do you consider this has; POOR EVENS GOOD
SectionComponentsSectionComponents Culture & Diversity Religion or faith, practising or not, Ethnicity, Diet, Food, Language, Locality, Customs and Rituals. Risk Issues Self, Others, Environment, Type, Triggers, Maintenance factors, Management strategies, Early symptoms diagnosis. Personal Interests Hobbies, Likes, Dislikes, Social mobility, Attention span, Motivation, Level of need, accessing transport, Venue. Health & Support Issues Unmet Health Needs, Ongoing Health Needs, Specialist Equipment, Social Impact, Impact upon local community access, Medication. Communication & Behaviours Verbal, Non Verbal, Self Advocates, Needs an Advocate, Intensity, Frequency, Duration of Behaviour, Actual Behaviour Social Compatibility & Engagement Skills Friendly, Vulnerable, Mobility, Dangerousness, Relationship Skills, Support Needs, Activity, Motivation, Frequency. Tolerance & Acceptability Insight, Temperament, Maturity,Introvert, Extrovert, Rule follower, Rule breaker, Placid,Volatile, Social, Antisocial. Incompatibility Traits Communication, Costs, Living Needs, Staffing Needs, History of Aggression/Offending/Care. Living Arrangements, Family Geography, Skill Mix. Age Related Issues Interests, Hobbies, Venues, Lifestyle, Environment (low or high expressed emotion), Friendship, Parent figure, Icon. General Issues Staff Training Needs, Staff Skill Mix, Previous Scenarios, Gut Feeling, Levels of Group Needs, Compounding Factors.