APREGS Shelf of Works
Work Identification DISTRICT EGS PLAN Work Identification Gram Sabhas ZP meeting GP EGS Plan PO Consolidates EGS Plans from all GPS Pachayat Secretary consolidates GP Approval MPP list of works between 2 GPs MPP Approval MPDO Consolidates GP EGS Plans & MPP list GP list of works MPP meeting Work Identification ZP list of works between 2 Mandals Mandal EGS Plan Addl DPC (PD,DWMA) Consolidates EGS Plans from all Mandals Addl DPC (CEO,ZP) Consolidates Mandal EGS Plans & ZP list District EGS Plan ZP Approval
PLANNING Annual planning process for next financial year to be completed by end of December GP shall prepare proposals,priortize & get approval in gram sabha PO consolidates proposals from all GPs Mandal Parishad proposes works involving more than one GP Mandal Parishad approves Mandal EGS plan
ESTIMATES – TECHNICAL SANCTION For works upto Rs 2 lacs- Estimates preparation by technical assistant Technical sanction by EGS engineer Rs 2 lacs – Rs 5 lacs- Estimates preparation by EGS engineer Technical sanction by DyEE,PR/other depts Rs 5 lacs – Rs 20 lacs Estimates preparation by EGS engineer/AE,PR/other dept Technical sanction by EE,PR/other depts
TECHNICAL ESTIMATES TA/Field Assistant Line Dept eng. Enter measurements Admin login Fill Lead info, SSR update TA/ ME MPDO GP works with measurements MPP works with measurements ZP works relating to concerned Mandal with measurements Technical Estimates of Mandal EGS Plan MCC PO CEO, ZP a Technical Estimates of ZP works of the concerned Mandal 5 1 b 2 b
DPC Administrative sanctionsSend to PO ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS MPDO CEO, ZP PD, DWMA Consolidate Estimates of approved District EGS Plan Technical estimates of approved Mandal EGS Plan & ZP works relating to the concerned Mandal generated from MCC Scrutinise
SHELF OF WORKS Enter info on admin sanctions Enter info on Tech sanctions Admin login Update measurement s if needed PO Engineer of executing agency Shelf of Works MCC List of works with administrative sanction List of works with technical sanction List of works for technical sanction
Shelf of works Labour budget is the basis of annual planning GP, MPP & ZP can plan proportionately in the ratio of 75:15:10 respectively Each PRI body is a unit for maintaining wage and material components in 60:40 ratio GP shall forward its EGS plan to PO along with prioritization and indication of works it proposes to execute by itself
Shelf of works (contd.) List of works administratively sanctioned to be forwarded to PO who will maintain these as shelf of works Rural Standard Schedule will be the basis for estimation and calculation of work turned out
Shelf of works (contd.) Mandal parishad shall propose works that may involve more than one GP within the allocations indicated by the DPC MP shall assign priority to the works proposed by it. ZP shall propose works that may involve more than one mandal within its allocation DPC shall accord administrative sanctions for all works approved under the district EGS plan