01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon1 Revised target lists – Focus on shock heating and e-transport in WDM targets – Add electron transport in shocked Au targets (~2 day shots) – Add some proton hemisphere + foil targets for proton heating shots (~1 day shots) – Electron source targets postponed to April (2 weeks) Targets requested from LLNL ( Walter has all the information) Al target supports requested from GA (total 70 supports) Beams and diagnostics layout defined Hydro simulations have been performed for shock velocity, timing and warm dense plasmas creation In the process defining laser specs for each shot group, and priority/order of shots. Need to define laser (SP+LP) alignment procedure Need to define target alignment procedure Discuss data logging/shot sheet/real-time analysis, participants’ responsibilities Need LSP simulations for transport study Titan Feb./March 2009 Experiment planning Status: Jan. 20, 2009
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon2 Titan Feb./March 2009 Campaign Dates: Feb 9 - March 13 (5 weeks) [ will likely be delayed due to the Callisto accident] Expect ~ _75 shots Goals Create and characterize WDM targets using LP driven shock compression and heating of low density foams using side-on radiography and SOP SP produced electron transport in such WDM targets by measuring Ka yield and angular distribution and compare with cold targets Electron beam transport in shocked gold targets (CH/Cu/Au) – Relevant to shocked Au cone tip physics in FI Create and characterize WDM targets using SP produced protons Test the emission spectroscopy technique for EP proton heating experiment SHCCD Axis to Cu crystal And HOPG 16° 20° Target normal 17 °
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon3 The electron transport target will be irradiated with the long and short pulse in nearly opposite direction Axis to Cu crystal And HOPG 16° 20° Target normal 17 ° Long pulse beam (from Door A) East-West axis Short pulse beam 17.71° 18.5° Target normal Beam axis Long pulse beam parameter f# = um spot with phase plate tcc Au Target view from front (short pulse beam side) Target view from behind (long pulse beam side) 45 degree bevel all around
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon4 Cu imager 1 (primary dia.) To TL3 To TL2 DC-HOPG Cu (primary dia.) FROG Cu imager 2 (primary dia.) SOP (primary dia.) Diagnostics and beam layout for the WDM experiment (Jan. 20, 2009) Beam axis LP Through Door A Reentrant HOPG can be moved to various port as needed Streaked HOPG Secondary diagnostics IP for Ti Ka radiography in point projection (primary dia.)
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon5 VSG Titan short pulse BN Si? D = 400 m (ROC = 250 m) X = 375 m Create 100micron wide ? eV and solid density Use VSG (has been developed for use on Titan) to diagnose spectral lines from Nitrogen k - shell ( He-like to H like lines at eV) target Grating Detector Plane 3.8° to 7.8 ° ~ 325 eV to 1700 eV VSG = variable separation grating = XUV spectrometer Warm dense plasma creation via proton isochoric heating and characterization by emission spectroscopy
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon6 Diagnostics
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon7 Targets requested from LLNL Target typesSpecs (in unit of µm)NumberLaser beams Heated transport0.1Al/25CH/5Cu/138CRF/3.9Au26LP+SP on the package target heated point projection radiography 0.1Al/25CH/5Cu/138CRF/5.1Au6LP on the package, Ti disk, 250 µm dia, 10 µm thick12SP on Ti foil 20Al/5Cu/138CRF/3.9Au4 Unheated transport20Al/5Cu/15CH/3.9Au6 SP only 20Al/5Cu/3.9Au6 SOP calibrationAl steps 20/40 µm thick3LP only CRF shock velocity targets CRF steps with Al flash on step side 0.1Al/25CH/CRF step(150/160)/0.1Al 3LP only Transport in shocked Au target 0.1Al/25CH/5Cu/25Au10LP+SP 0.1Al/25CH/5Cu/12.5Au5 Proton heating targetsHollow hemi with grid(2), hemi + Si(?) with Boron Nitride coating on side (specs to be added)(5) 7SP only
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon8 Draft List of shots (in the process of refining) LP only, SOP calibration and shock velocity – SOP alignment with Al step targets (3 shots) – Shock velocity in CRF foam with SOP(3 shots) LP+SP (Ti Ka backlight), shock timing –Backlight + Au mesh (4 shots) –Backlighting foam package at t=0, before shock breakout(6 shots) Diagnostic shots with and Cu foil (2 shots) Short pulse(SP) only, e-beam transport in Al/Cu/CRF/Au (2 shots with 1ps, 2 shots with 10 ps) Al/Cu/Au (2 shots with 1ps, 2 shots with 10 ps) Al/Cu/CH/Au (2 shots with 1ps, 2 shots with 10 ps) SP/LP on target, e-transport in shocked CRF foam targets – LP only, background shots (2 shots) – At t1, t2, t3 with 1ps SP, maximum energy? (9 shots) – Repeat with 10 ps SP, maximum energy (9 shots) SP/LP on target, e-transport in shocked Au targets (CH/Cu/Au[25 or 12]) -Unshocked target with SP only (2 shots) -Fully shocked Au with LP and SP (2 shots) -After shock breakout with LP and SP (2 shots) -Partially shocked Au with LP and SP (2 shots) -Repeat unshocked and fully shocked case with 12 um Au (4 shots) Proton beam production and heating beam characterization using hemisphere targets (2shots) Heating in a secondary foil targets (5shots)
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon9 Who will be doing the experiment? (please let us know your interests, suggested responsibilities to be added/modified) Schedule of PeopleSuggested responsibilitiesAdditional comments Andrewfull 5 weeksLead and run the exp. SebastienHelp on SOP setup, +proton shotsIn&out AndyOversee the exp + proton shotsIn & out PravOversee the expIn&out YuanHalf time?FROG? DanHelp setup EPM(?)+ridealong x-ray diagnostics In&out KramerHelp on diagnostics setup?In&out MingshengFull 5 weeksAssist Andrew co-run the exp, Ti Ka radiography? Foreign national HiroshiFull 5 weeksSOP+shot sheetForeign national SugreevFull 5 weeksDC-HOPG + streaked HOPG BradFull 5 weeksKa imagers + target alignment? Bob+student/postdocFull 5 weeks?Prepulse, autocorrelator,help Dan on the ride-along x-ray diag. Foreign nationals Student from OSU??? anybody else??? RichOversee the expIn&out FarhatOversee the expIn&out, Foreign national
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon10 Hydro simulation results of warm dense plasmas in the shocked foam package target (with Hyades code) Shock reaches the gold/CH foam interface at about 5.2 ns Peak compression is achieved at bout 6.3ns with the compressed foam density of ~ 2g/cc, Te~15-20 eV,~ 10 µm in length (not suitable for transport study) Target: 5µmAu/150µmCHfoam(0.15mg/cc)/5µmCu/25µmCH Long pulse laser: Intensity 4e13 W/cm 2 3ns square pulse, green
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon11 Foam plasma condition at later time may be preferred for transport study Compressed foam plasmas relax and expand with time At 10ns, mass density of ~ g/cc, n e ~4 cm -3, Te~5-7 eV, ~ 75 µm in length
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon12 Foam plasma condition at later time may be preferred for transport study Compressed foam plasmas relax and expand with time At 10ns, mass density of ~ g/cc, n e ~(2-3) cm -3, Te~5-7 eV, ~ 80 µm in length
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon13 Lasnex simulations (M. Foord) show similar trends, but with higher compression At 10ns, mass density of ~ g/cc, Te~5-7 eV, ~ 30 µm in length Higher absorption may lead to this higher compression
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon14 Hyades simulation results for the shocked Au in the CH(25µm)/Cu(5µm)/Au(30 µm) target Shock propagates into 12 µm Au at about 1.8 ns
01/20/2009Wei, Sawada, Macphee, Mackinnon15 Hyades simulation results for the shocked Au in the CH(25µm)/Cu(5µm)/Au(30 µm) target Shock propagates into 25 µm thick Au at about 2.9 ns