The Four Partners of NCLS Research: Uniting Mission and Education Anglicare Sydney Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Australian Catholic University NCLS Research – built on a history of collaboration
Anglican Apostolic Australian Christian Churches Baptist Brethren C3 Church Catholic Churches of Christ Church of the Nazarene Christian Life Churches Christian Missionary Alliance Christian Reformed Churches COC Australia More than 23 denominations and movements participated in the 2011 NCLS including: Congregational Church CRC Churches International Four Square Gospel Grace Communion International International Pentecostal Holiness Churches Lutheran Presbyterian Salvation Army Seventh-day Adventist Uniting Church Vineyard Fellowship Independent congregations, House churches and other Christian communities. NCLS Research – built on a history of collaboration
… to the nation about the Australian Church and its people and to individual denominations likewise … to states, regions, and dioceses about their vitality and about the life of their churches … to local churches about their strengths and directions … to local church leaders about their people’s hopes concerns and commitment … to researchers about the very nature of church today Every five years NCLS Research has gathered the voices of Australian church attenders and so been able to speak with authority… National Church Life Survey
Nation-wide ecumenical venture The largest nationwide survey after the ABS National Census Twenty five years old: first took place in 1991 Held every five years at the same time as the National Census Over 20 denominations Around 400,000 individuals and 6,000 leaders in over 3,000 local churches expected to participate In eight languages: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tongan, Italian, Arabic and Dinka (Sudanese) Fast facts about the 2016 NCLS
Benefits for local churches
The NCLS survey process
Resources for local churches Churches receive a Church Life Pack Resource Pack includes: Church Life Profile (survey results) Workbook (planning processes) Guide (research trends) to help churches engage their results and make steps of action.
Resources for regions and denominations Regional Online Access is granted with appropriate protocols depending on organisational structure of each denomination or movement. Regions receive Regional Online Access to all their churches’ Church Life Profiles
Resources for regions and denominations 28 PAGE CHURCH LIFE PROFILES Reports showing your denomination’s and region’s survey results, including change over time 9 core qualities 3 attendance measures demographics of attenders optional children’s survey results and denominational comparison table. Denominations and Regions receive Regional and Denominational Church Life Profiles CHURCH VITALITY WHO GOES TO CHURCH
Resources for regions and denominations Denominations and Regions receive Overview Reports of Leaders and Church Activities OVERVIEW OF LOCAL CHURCH LEADERS A report showing an overview of your leaders, ministers, pastors, priests and staff, including staff roles, length of time in ministry, team vs individual placements, training, demographics etc. OVERVIEW OF LOCAL CHURCH ACTIVITIES A report of your churches showing their activities in wider society. See what social capital your churches contribute to their local communities e.g. community service, children and youth programs. CHURCH IN SOCIETY OPERATIONS/ SYSTEMS LEADERSHIP
National outputs from the Survey A National Snapshot of Church Life The NCLS maps the presence of churches nation-wide and shares the stories of the positive contributions churches make to their local communities. It is essential for church and civic leaders to better understand the place of the Christian church in Australian society. International academic colleagues also learn from this longitudinal study into church life. CHURCH IN SOCIETY OPERATIONS/ SYSTEMS LEADERSHIP CHURCH VITALITY WHO GOES TO CHURCH National overview of trends in church life Each National Church Life Survey creates an historical snapshot of Australian churches.
Timeline of NCLS Jan-JuneDenominational consultation period. Sept-December Denominations confirm their intention to participate. DecemberConfirm denominational commissioned questions and customised report design. Confirm survey languages. 2016Jan-JuneDenominations/ local churches place survey orders. JuneAll survey orders completed. Aug-OctoberDispatch of survey packs to local churches. October-NovNational Church Life Survey - complete surveys. DecemberChurches return completed surveys. 2017MarchChurches receive results in Church Life Packs. April-MayRegions and Denominations receive Church Life Profiles and overview reports.
More information is available online Information online Contact the NCLS Research office PO Box 968, North Sydney NSW 2059 Phone