LIVE FROM NEW YORK It’s Saturday Night!
BACKGROUND Johnny Carson was the host of NBC’s Tonight Show He wanted to be able to take a couple of weeknights off and use reruns on those nights instead of putting the reruns on the weekend. He asked the network to figure out something to fill his spot on the weekend
CREATORS Dick Ebersol- hired by NBC to develop a variety show for Saturday nights Lorne Michaels- hired to produce the show The were given Studio 8H, a mostly unused radio studio that had been converted at 30 Rockefeller Center
“THE NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME PLAYERS” Dan Aykroyd John Belushi Gilda Radner Chevy Chase Jane Curtain Laraine Newman Garrett Morris George Coe Michael O’Donoghue
NBC’S SATURDAY NIGHT First episode aired on October 11, 1975 Host was George Carlin Fall of 2015 started its 41 st season One of the longest running programs in the US
HOW DID IT GET NAMED? Was originally called NBC’s Saturday Night because Saturday Night Live was in use by Saturday Night Live with Howard Cosell on ABC They waited until to purchase the rights to the name and changed it to Saturday Night Live at that point
WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Comedy sketches Makes fun of culture and politics Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest
OPENING MONOLOGUE The guest usually delivers an opening monologue and also performs the skits with cast members Episode begins with a “cold opening” sketch that then has someone who breaks character and says “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”
CAST CHANGES Chevy Chase left the show during the second season Replaced by Bill Murray Show has been a “springboard” to fame
NOTABLE CAST MEMBERS OVER THE YEARS Eddie Murphy Billy Crystal Martin Short Joan Cusack Robert Downey Jr Dana Carvey Amy Poehler Phil Hartman Chris Farley Adam Sandler Mike Myers Will Ferrell Jimmy Fallon Tina Fey Norm MacDonald Joe Piscopo Jon Lovitz Dennis Miller Jan Hooks Tracy Morgan Andy Samberg Kristin Wiig David Spade Seth Meyers
WHO IS THE HOST? Single host Popular, novelty They have a film, album, or other work being released near the time of their appearance on the show Introduce the musical guest for the night Some guests belong to the Five-Timers Club (started as a result of Tom Hanks’ fifth episode sketch)
REPEAT HOSTS Alec Baldwin- has hosted 16 times since 1990 Steve Martin- has hosted 15 times since 1976
MUSIC Each episode features a musical guest- which can be a solo act or a band Performs two to three musical numbers Not permitted to lip-synch (it would take away from the live aspect) ABBA first and only act to allow it Ashlee Simpson performance was very controversial because it wasn’t allowed
HOW DO THEY MAKE AN EPISODE? Monday- pitch meeting (cast, writers, producers, guest host) Host can also offer suggestions for sketches Tuesday- write scripts- many times lasts all night Wednesday- 5 pm- sketches are reading at round table meeting- attended by writers, producers, tech experts, make-up artists (so over 50 people are at the meeting) Thursday- rewriting and developing chosen skits Friday- rehearsed Saturday- rehearsal before a live audience at 8 pm, then to the live show
IMPACT Considered one the Greatest Shows of All Time Has changed numbers over the years (was 10 th in 50 Greatest Shows, 25 of 101 best written shows, 18 th of 60 Greatest Shows…) 36 Emmys Broke record for most award nominated show in 2009 when it received a total at that point of 126 nominations Chevy Chase and Gilda Radner were only cast members to win Emmy for Outstanding Individual Performance
POLITICS Huge effect on presidential elections Voters report that political sketches shown on the program influence them in voting “SNL Effect” 2008 election- 2/3 of voters said they had seen a broadcast of political sketches on SNL, 10% saying it made a difference to them
POLITICS OVER THE YEARS Chevy Chase- impression of Gerald Ford (bumbling, falling) Tina Fey- impression of Sarah Palin (“I can see Russia from my house”) Politicians have been guests- Gerald Ford, Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, (and even more recent- Donald Trump)
CONTROVERSY Sinead O’Connor- ripped up a photo of Pope John Paul II during her performance Rage Against the Machine- made a statement about host billionaire Steve Forbes- hung two upside down American flags Ashlee Simpson lip synching At times there have been intentional acts by performers as protests- leads to dead air during the show
INSPIRATION Films have resulted from sketches on the show The Blues Brothers (1980) Wayne’s World (1992) Coneheads (1993) A Night at the Roxbury (1998) Superstar (1999) The Ladies Man (2000)
FAMOUS SKETCHES night-live-sketches-of-all-time (Rolling Stone) night-live-sketches-of-all-time skits_n_ html (Huffington Post Top 10 Sketches) skits_n_ html (Time Magazine Most Definitive Saturday Night Live Sketch Rankings)
5Wg&list=PLKYHUjv_UNFw_4VLLDTJIG-ja7rGUfdU5 5Wg&list=PLKYHUjv_UNFw_4VLLDTJIG-ja7rGUfdU5 (Saturday Night Live Montage ) (Best sketches of SNL’s 40 years in under 4 minutes) (Watch Mojo Top 10 SNL Sketches) (Another Top 10 SNL Sketches- Watch Mojo)