Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Telecom Italia experience with the use of NO-DIG techniques Renato Polidoro Giovanni Ciochetto
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Telecom Italia requirements reduction of environmental impact reduction of social and indirect costs use of new technologies improvement of possibility of obtaining permits
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Techniques used for the installation of new pipes directional drilling directional rock drilling rod pusher microtunnelling impact moling
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Evolution of the application of no-dig techniques (I) YESTERDAY CROSSINGS Works impossible to perform with traditional digging techniques
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Fields of application ( ) Urban works (3%) Crossings (82%) Non urban long. works (15%)
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Evolution of the application of no-dig techniques (II) TODAY LONGITUDINAL LONGITUDINALWORKS consolidation of technical know-how - consolidation of technical know-how performance improvement - performance improvement cost reduction (equal to traditional - cost reduction (equal to traditional digging costs) digging costs) URBAN WORKS URBAN WORKS (broadband network) - small machines - no drilling mud - starting point in manholes/chambers DIRECTIONAL ROCK DRILLING DIRECTIONAL ROCK DRILLING
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Fields of application ( ) Urban works (19%) Crossings (7%) Longitudinal works (74%)
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Total drilling lengths (km) ‘97‘96‘95‘94‘93‘90-’92
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Data-base NO-DIG Data-base NO-DIG data from the field - Questionnaire - - performance - ground nature - obstacles/critical points - drilling diameter
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Ground Penetrating Radar Improvement in detection of buried utilities Automated output of utilities map Ground nature investigation RIS System
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP International cooperation ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union) SG6 - Outside plant Question 12/6 Trenchless techniques for the construction of underground infrastructures for telecommunication cables installation
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Conclusion (I) - regular use of no-dig techniques for crossings and longitudinal works - development of no dig techniques for urban environment and rock drilling - development of new GPR system - implementation of a data-base relevant to no-dig works - international cooperation (IATT, ITU-T, EURESCOM)
Torino, March 1998 ANCIT WORKSHOP Conclusion (II) - promotion of the use of innovative technologies by contractor - stimulus for manufacturers (drilling machines and GPR equipment) - promotion of no-dig techniques among public authorities and public opinion as a means of reducing environmental and social impact