Disaggregated Data Shelby Buscher, Grace Mintz, Molly Brown, Katherine Laatsch, Morgan Michell
Demographics Trace Crossings Elementary School o K-4 (400 Students) o 46% White, 31% Black, 14% Hispanic o Title I- majority of students on free/reduced lunch Tarrant Intermediate School o Grades 3-6 o 73% Black, 20% Hispanic, 5%White o Title I- 97% of students on free/reduced lunch
The Data- Trace Crossings ● Reading Scores: o : 18.2% on level o : 52.7% on level ● Math Scores: o : 32.1% on level o : 38.9% on level ● Initiatives: o School Mission: A great place to work hard, think hard & learn: “Trace is the Place!” o college and career ready standards o testing ● Strategies and Programs: o math program: Investigations o running records o teachers have opportunities for professional development o PD is often held at Trace for all teachers (example: Ed Camp)
The Data- Trace Crossings (cont.) ● Parent Involvement: o Tab for parent information on the website o Edmodo for parents to see student’s grades or other information specific to the child ● Support Personnel: o Reading coach/math coach o Early morning intervention ● Teacher Cooperation: o Weekly teacher meetings during specials for each grade ● Accountability Resources: o Running records o Edmodo
The Data- Tarrant Intermediate ● Reading Scores: o : 18.5% on level o : 50% on level ● Initiatives: o January 2012: district began turning benchmarks in SMART goals to better align with standards o School mission: “Tarrant City Schools are committed to serving all students and community through quality learning in a secure environment ensuring college and/or career readiness.” o 95% attendance goal (created in 2012) ● Strategies and Programs: o “Alabama Insights Tool” program for math teachers o “Alabama College and Career Ready Standards” for math and reading o Positive Behavior Interventions Support (PIBS) o Technology such as IXL, brain pop, study jams, scootpad, math facts in a flash, and schoology ● Math Scores: o : 31.2 % on level o : 41.7%
The Data- Tarrant (cont.) ● Parent Involvement: o “Parent Info” tab on the website with contact info and school hours o Parent Community Education Project o Parent Math days o Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) ● Support Personnel: o Reading coach o 2 “academic coaches” for reading and math ● Teacher Cooperation: o Teachers are placed in a PLC (professional learning community) ● Accountability Resources: o Tarrant uses Global Scholars Program: online testing to keep track of reading and math scores. The students take these tests every 1-2 every semester o Monthly STAR reading and math assessments.
Strengths- Trace ★ Trace puts an emphasis on technology ★ Partnered with samford students to teach ★ Finley character awards ★ Offered first priority
Weaknesses- Trace ➔ Instruction is different for every classroom, so it may not be consistent across the board ➔ Website could be more detailed
Strengths- Tarrant ★ Math Bowl ★ Spelling Bee ★ Integrate technology: ○ iPod cart for each grade level, ○ ELMO in every classroom, ○ Smart boards ○ iPads ★ Good at tracking student progress throughout the year
Weaknesses- Tarrant ➔ Website not up to date ➔ Low parent involvement- long-term goal ➔ Student attendance/ tardies are a regular issue ➔ Facilities need maintenance- the gym, the library, and the lawn outside could use fixing up ➔ Very large class sizes- classes can be as large as upper twenties
Data Analysis- Trace ● Did not meet AYP in 2011 ● Improvement in both math and reading scores ● African American students are scoring significantly lower o 35.1% African American students are scoring on- level o 72% of White students are scoring on-level ● 52.7% gap in reading scores between students in poverty and students not in poverty o Only 40% of students in poverty were on-level
Action Plan- Trace ● Overall: Need more explicit math and reading instruction, especially for African American students living in poverty ● Professional Development about Investigations o More use of manipulatives and hands-on experiences ● Math Nights for parents ● Intensive Reading Intervention Program o Comprehension Strategies o Before, during, and after reading strategies o Word Recognition
Data Analysis- Tarrant ● Overall: significant improvement in both math and reading, but still room for improvement ● 31.5% Improvement in passing reading scores from ● 10.5% jump in passion math scores
Action Plan- Tarrant ● Teach technical literacy ● Less teacher turnover o Offer incentive to teachers for staying ● Keep website up-to-date o Let parents know what is going on o Strengthen school community ● Professional Development in math and reading programs ● Attendance Program: o Recognizing good and improved attendance o Monitoring attendance data o Personalized early outreach o Engaging students and parents o Response to barriers
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