The Agenda Myles Golden: How are we doing? The Zone Membership Survey Branding Your Rotary Club Russ Davis, The Sandler Sales Institute Selling Your Rotary Club (Recruitment) Breakout on Recruitment and Retention
How are we doing? District 7750 July 1, ,921 December 31, , Zone 33: July 1, ,799 December 31, , International : July 1, ,202,063 December 31, ,214, ,201
The Zone Membership Survey Survey conducted from December January ,649 Rotarians surveyed, 4,819 completed the survey Written comments = 21,912
The Primary Purpose of the Survey 1.Why they are Rotary club members 2.Why membership in a local Rotary club is more meaningful than membership in other civic clubs or other service organizations
The Obvious Incentives to Join To serve their local community The opportunity to build relationships (network) with local business, professional and community leaders To promote ethics in business To represent their business and profession
The Obvious Incentives to Remain in Their Clubs To serve their local communities and beyond To maintain relationships with other like- minded people, especially local business, professional and community leaders
The Obvious Conclusion Clubs cannot exist long term by emphasizing attributes that can be mimicked by others Must serve the emotional needs of its members Must establish a distinctive position identity or, as known in commercial circles, a brand Become more effective in advancing the Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service Second: High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian ’ s occupation as an opportunity to serve society
Continued Third: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian ’ s personal, business and community life Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
Branding Your Rotary Club What is a Brand? “ A brand is an identifying symbol, words or mark that distinguishes a product from its competitors” (Webster’s Dictionary)
Real World Brand Definition A promise…….. you make and keep in everything you do !
Branding is challenging for Rotary 1.We all operate at all levels with volunteers 2.…who all change jobs every year worldwide 3.Each club has its own personality 4.… and largely decides on its own what to do 5.Many of our projects are not “at home” 6.…and we have audacious, global goals.. 7.We seek to bring diverse people together 8.
So how does Rotary become a great Brand?
The Rotary Brand Pyramid
Russ Davis The Sandler Sales Institute Rotary Club of Greenville
Selling Rotary Engaging the prospect
Why should I join Rotary? Not everyone is qualified to become a Rotarian There is a financial investment There is a time commitment There is an energy commitment People join Rotary for their own reasons – not ours
Who is qualified? People who know there is something missing from their lives without the benefit of Rotary membership
10 Second Introduction “Rotary is an international service organization consisting of a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds and professions joining together for a variety of reasons”
20 seconds about gaps in their lives “Typically people join Rotary because They know there are many needs in their local community and want to serve or give back locally and don’t know how to go about it effectively” or
“They are looking for opportunities to build relationships with other professionals in their community and aren’t sure where to find the camaraderie or networking opportunities” or 20 seconds about gaps in their lives
“They are looking for a place to serve nationally or internationally from their local community and aren’t sure of how do go about it” 20 seconds about gaps in their lives
. “I don’t know if Rotary is right for you but if any of these issues ring true, I suggest that we talk more about Rotary”
. “Typically people join Rotary because: “They know there are many needs in their local community and want to serve or give back locally and don’t know how to go about it effectively or “They are looking for opportunities to build relationships with other professionals in their community and aren’t sure where to find the camaraderie or “They are looking for a place to serve nationally or internationally from their local community and aren’t sure of how do go about it” “If any of these ring true with you then we should talk more about Rotary” “Rotary is an international service organization consisting of people from various backgrounds and professions joining together for a variety of reasons”