ANNUAL REPORT Rotary Club of Brisbane Mid-City Inc
Called To Higher Service Richard Cameron
Implementation of our Club Vision for the next 5 years Sister Club Agreement with Shinagawa Rotary Club in Tokyo Formation of a Relationship with our CBD Police
Membership Currently 47 members which is 5 less than we had this time last year
In the past year we have made a number of donations: –The Rotary Foundation$1,200 –RYPEN $180 –GSE Team Member $500 –PNG Hospital $100 –Rotary Club of Kundiawa $100 –Pride of Workmanship Awards $166 –National Youth Forum $500 –World Health Program $500 –RYLA $750 –Wesley Hospital Ward Naming (final payment)$1,500 –Polio Plus$1,116 –Donations In Kind$1,000 –Total Donations$7,612
We have supported programs for youth, educational opportunities and vocational and career development. This year we have: –Sponsored outgoing Group Study Exchange team member Christine O’Neil –Successfully nominated Alex Dalley as the Districts Ambassadorial Scholarship. He will study in the Netherlands –Submitted an application for Daniel Kauffmann as a World Peace Fellow –Sponsored Amanda Postle at RYPEN –Sponsored Briana Dance in her work toward World Health Programs
Community Service As in previous years we have been active in this area. Specifically we have participated in and contributed to: –Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal –Clean Up Australia Day –Smith Family Christmas Hamper Delivery –Collecting for Polio –Brisbane 150 Celebration –Opening of the New Gateway Bridge –Mock Interviews –Sponsored ICU waiting room at St Andrews Hospital
International Service Though we have been unable to help all who have requested it, we have made worthwhile contributions in a number of areas. –Donations In Kind –Supported a new Club in our District, the Rotary Club of Kundiawa –The Rasmidden sisters were finally able to go home after a stay of 30 months and many operations. A monumental effort was put in by Peter Dixon in assisting this family
Fellowship Over and above the terrific fellowship that is always apparent at our meetings and Rotary inspired events, we have enjoyed a couple of our own special occasions: –Australia Day BBQ Breakfast –Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
District Representation The skills and experience of our members are well known at a District level. Two of our members have contributed to District activity over and above their contribution to our Club, namely: –Charles Guesdon Our District Representative at the Legislative Council in Chicago. New Avenue of Service for Youth called ‘New Generations’ –Judy Xavier District Treasurer These two people are great emissaries for our Club.
Acknowledgements My Board: John Lawson for wonderful support at every level Ben Warren for truly exemplary work as our Club Secretary Kathryn Draperfor keeping us on track and extracting money Brett Loneyfor taking up the role of Pres Elect and Club Vision Brian McIntyrefor exceptional work with the RI Foundation Peter Dixonno-one could have done more for the Rasmidden’s Graham Kempthe roster King and also stepping into the PR role Paul Sergeantfor stepping into the role of Membership at short notice
Acknowledgements Peter Sutcliffefor being my first President Elect David Batesonfor being my first PR Director Nick Hurleyfor almost being a President Elect John Robertsfor orchestrating a diverse and entertaining Program Craig Hauslerfor maintaining Club membership records Bruce Clarkefor maintaining Club attendance records Bernie MacNaught for producing The Monitor each and every week Rod Thorburnfor always being everywhere with everything Seb Messina for frequently being handy with a camera Ling Rainesfor all your assistance with our Sister Club in Japan Michael Sargentfor putting this ‘shindig’ together
Special thank you Peter Sullivan Assistant Governor - District 9600
Acknowledgements John Roberts For taking on the role of President!