West Chester Rotary Club Career Enhancement Committee
Background Fellow members and families are loosing their jobs Nationally unemployment figures are still in the double digits Jobs - - last to recover Always search for new career opportunities Business development
Goal To provide Rotarians, their immediate family members, extended families, friends, etc the opportunity for personal and professional career enrichment through various support efforts and initiatives
Eligibility West Chester Rotary Club Family members All other area Rotary clubs Friends Colleagues who else?....
Initiatives Needs and Leads –1-2 minutes each meeting or monthly for opportunities for individuals to self identify they have a “need” and for individuals to communicate a “lead” Monthly Meetings –Meet monthly to network, discuss leads, interview pitfalls and successes, guest speakers, provide job seeking tips, etc. Electronic Networking –Cast your net to a wider audience electronically though various business or social network avenues, i.e. LindedIn, our web site, etc.
Benefits Our Club Members… Career enhancement Business development Gainfully employed Indirect Benefits…. Steward and service to our community Club exposure Enhance membership
Rotary Assistance Minimal budget requirements Ken Hickman, Cristina Combee, Bruce Beadle Who else like to help?
Communication Plan/Rollout Board (done) Meeting communication (12/10/09) notice (week of 14 th ) Newsletter (week of 14 th ) Web site (to be determined) Then begin program…. January 2010