TITLE | 1 Major Awards Entry for: Most Outstanding Club President Club: [type name of Rotary Club here] Notes: Use this template for the Most Outstanding Club President entry Feel free to add pages as needed Please save your filename as follows: Name of Major Award – Name of Club Example: Most Outstanding Club President – RC Bacolod
TITLE | 2 Place your membership growth here, names of new members & their sponsors. Type here
TITLE | 3 Place your proof of contribution to TRF here.
TITLE | 4 Place proofs of attendances here.
TITLE | 5 Place scanned copy of completed Presidential Citation form here. (Front)
TITLE | 6 Place scanned copy of completed Presidential Citation form here. (Back)
TITLE | 7 Describe and place pictures of your projects here. Type here
TITLE | 8 Describe and place pictures of your Public Image campaign here. Type here
TITLE | 9 Place scanned copy of the 1-page narrative showing leadership traits here.
TITLE | 10 Place your SAR & Proof of Payment for the 1 st Semester of RY here.
TITLE | 11 Place your SAR & Proof of Payment for the 2 nd Semester of RY here.
TITLE | 12 Place your Proof of Payment to the Governor’s Fund for RY here.
TITLE | 13 Place your PRM Proof of Payment for the 1 st Semester of RY here.
TITLE | 14 Place your PRM Proof of Payment for the 2 nd Semester of RY here.
TITLE | 15 Who are your club’s President-Elect and President-Nominee? Club President-Elect : [type name here] for RY Club President-Nominee: [type name here] for RY