Secured key exchange protocol in wireless mobile ad hoc networks ► Shu-Hwang Liaw; Pin-Chang Su; Henry Ker-Chang Chang; Erl-Huei Lu; Shun-Fu Pon; ► CCST '05. 39th Annual 2005 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Oct Page(s): /08/29 H.-H. Ou
Introduction The authors' proposed ID-based encryption provides end-to-end authentication PKI-support approaches (RSA) 2008/08/292H.-H. Ou
The proposed Initialization Key generation center Private key: d Public Key: e Node identity: ID i ID’s Signature: g i = ID i d mod n 2008/08/293H.-H. Ou
The proposed 2008/08/294H.-H. Ou Key agreement Node i Randomly select r i Public keys (y i, t i ): y i = g i α ri mod n, t i = r i e mod n T i is timestamp, s i = g i r i f(yi, ti, Ti, IDj ) mod n (ID i, y i, t i, s i, T i ) Identity S j e =? Id j t j f(yj, tj, Tj, IDi) mod n Session key SK i = (y j e / ID j ) ri mod n SK i = α erirj mod p = SK j Node j Randomly select r j Public keys (y j, t j ): y j = g j α rj mod n, t j = r j e mod n T j is timestamp, s j = g j r j f(yj, tj, Tj, IDi ) mod n (ID j, y j, t j, s j, T j ) Identity S i e =? Id i t i f(yi, ti, Ti, IDj) mod n Session key SK j = (y i e / ID i ) rj mod n