LANCE ARMSTRONG FOUNDATION Founded in 1997 by Lance Armstrong Mission: To inspire and empower people affected by cancer Unity is strength. Knowledge is power. Attitude is everything. LIVESTRONG
LANCE ARMSTRONG FOUNDATION Unite people to fight cancer –Through programs –Through experiences Take aim at the gap between what is known and what is done –Cancer prevention –Access to screening and care –Research –Quality of life for cancer survivors LIVESTRONG
OVERVIEW Children in classrooms all over the US are dealing with cancer right now, whether with a grandparent, parent, family member, friend or teacher. The LIVESTRONG at SCHOOL curriculum provides K-12 school professionals with a way to teach about cancer that is age- appropriate, hopeful, inspiring and empowering.
DEVELOPMENT LIVESTRONG at SCHOOL was developed by LAF staff and external consultants. The curriculum was reviewed for age- appropriateness, relevancy and medical accuracy by teachers across the country, a curriculum development expert and a clinical psychologist specializing in childhood cancer. Changes were made based on the feedback received during this process, and pilot tests were conducted in three school districts across the country.
LESSON PLANS Each lesson features: a summary of the lesson student learning objectives academic standards met by the lesson
LESSON PLANS Each lesson features: quick and easy links to teacher sheets, worksheets and videos
LESSON PLANS Each lesson features: a check for understanding to help assess what students have learned extension activities that allow additional learning on each topic
FEEDBACK FROM TEACHERS Of those who have implemented the lessons in their classroom: 100% reported that their students learned something new about cancer and cancer survivorship 91% would DEFINITELY use the curriculum again in the future 93% would DEFINITELY recommend the curriculum to a friend.
FEEDBACK FROM TEACHERS Unfortunately, cancer will touch all of us sometime in our lives. Preparing children with health information that could keep them from getting cancer is a vital lesson. Helping children understand how to help a love one who is facing cancer is a life lesson that will help my students in the years to come. Perhaps one day these lessons won't be necessary, but for now, thank you for providing materials that the children can learn from. - Katie, Elementary School Teacher
CONCLUSION LAF has committed to making a cancer a national priority. Through the LIVESTRONG at SCHOOL program, we have the opportunity to fundamentally change the way people think about cancer and to empower students to make a difference in the fight against cancer.