How can learning science empower you?
I. Science empowers you by teaching you how to think, not what to think Critical thinking—a skill that’s important no matter what you do in your life
Example: closing Dyett Claim: Dyett High School was underenrolled and failing so it needed to be closed. What questions should we ask about this claim?
Underenrolled? What was the pattern of enrollment decline? What other events (such as opening charters or cutting budgets and programs led to the decline?
Failing? How does CPS define failing schools? Is there more to it than test scores? In what ways was Dyett failing its students? In what ways was Dyett helping its students? How could CPS help Dyett improve? Did they try?
Example: Criminalization Claim: Young black males are responsible for most violence in the inner city. So we should take a “get tough” approach to youth crime—vigilant policing and stiff sentences. What questions would you ask?
Have an active BS meter—ask questions, demand evidence!
II. Science empowers you by informing your everyday decisions
A. Be an educated consumer Buy me! Eat this! Lose weight faster! Avoid this! This will make you stronger!...smarter!
Is a health supplement like this tested by the government before it is sold to you? Yes, tested that it won’t kill you. Yes, tested for effectiveness. Tested with a control group that takes a “placebo.” All of the above No, it is not tested Ephedra Is Back and Legal and it's the best weight loss aid the world has ever known. 100% organic, all- natural herb that grows in China. It's been used by humans for many centuries, and is currently being used safely by millions of people. We have it in stock. Right now. We're the only company with this product in stock. You'll lose those pounds you've been fighting with, and you'll do it without being hungry, spending hours in the gym, or having any adverse side effects. Our proprietary combination of ephedra, caffeine and aspirin is optimally designed to maximize your weight loss with zero side effects. The pounds will literally fall off your body. At least 5-8 pounds per week. We Swear By It. Example: diet supplements
B. Make smart health decisions Example: vaccines Vaccines cause autism! What is the evidence? How convincing is it? Has it been duplicated in other labs? Instead… Many parents have stopped vaccinating their children In 2012, 41,880 cases of whooping cough—most since 1955 Measles on the rise So those parents are endangering everyone’s children
III. Science empowers you to be an educated voter Is global warming real?
What does it mean for you that livestock is injected with hormones? Antibiotics?
Would you want a factory near your house to be able to bypass clean air and water regulations?