Field Experiment Planning
Field Experiment Constraints Greenland airborne deployment to facilitate logistics Measured ancillary data where possible (e.g. Operation IceBridge ice thickness) Tie to the 4 deep ice cores in north and north central Greenland April or October deployment to avoid surface melt Locate near ice divides to simplify ice dynamics Concentrate on dry snow zone to minimize layering effects in melt facies Use available ancillary data to develop model predictions of UWBRAD spectra along the profile line
Proposed Flight Line
Ancillary Data Sets that Drive the Temperature Model Compared with SMOS Data OIB Ice thickness, RAMCO Surface Mass Balance, MODIS Surface Temperature, CISM Heat Flux
Tb Cloud Model along Flight Line Cloud model Tb estimate based on temperature profiles derived from parameters above 0.5 (blue), 1.0 (red) 1.4 (cyan), 2.0 (green) GHz 1.4 GHz data forced to align with SMOS data (Black) using a constant multiplier. Same multiplier applied to other frequencies.
Plans for Improving Models Include flags for subglacial water Improve layering correction with RACMO density Investigate whether RACMO temperature profiles are a better for initializing the inverse calculation Investigate other surface regimes (percolation and wet snow facies; near surface aquifer)