Data Base Policy Issues Presented by Thomas Hertel Director Global Trade Analysis Project
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting2 Data Policy Issues Prerelease policy in presence of multiple prereleases Pricing of version 5 Distribution of old versions of GTAP data Future directions: open-sourcing of the GTAP data base
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting3 Prerelease of version 5 Initial prerelease will be rough Plan several updates to bring in new information on: –bilateral trade in services and margins –improved protection data –updates to key IO tables Very important to keep prerelease in- house
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting4 Pricing for Version 5 Version 4 Version 5 Government/Private $2500$4000 Upgrade $1500$2500 Multiple Academic users $1500$1500 Upgrade $800 $800 Single academic user $800 $800 Upgrade $400 $400
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting5 Distribution of Old GTAP Data Distribution of old versions free if either: –two releases old, or –five years since public release What about version 4? –we will offer discounted versions of GTAPagg at the conference in June –thereafter for others
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting6 Open-sourcing: Motivation Tension between proprietary database and need for replication Addition of special modules more efficient with source-code Sustainability of the project Natural evolution from cottage industry to manufacturer to service industry
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting7 Open-sourcing: Feasibility Data base is organic whole -- modules cannot be fully independent Need for common skill-set Web-based dissemination Short courses to train database contributors GTAP advisory board guides project Technical input from group of power users
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting8 Open-sourcing: Viability Data base sales have become important source of revenue Revenue replacement: –additional consortium members –database course revenues –special projects Adjust length of time to public release in order to create necessary incentives for continued consortium membership
April 12-14, 2000Advisory Board Meeting9 Open-sourcing: Next steps Prepare NSF proposal: deadline is August 1 Input from Advisory Board needed