Being a Voter Ch. 23, Sec. 1 Pp
General Elections Vote for candidates, new laws, constitutional amendments, and new taxes
Basics of Voting 18 years old, registered, and state resident to vote Tuesday after 1 st Monday in November is election day Vote at your assigned polling place
Becoming an Informed Voter Learn candidates’ stands on issues through speeches and debates Every vote counts!
Questions Which of the following is the reason for a primary election? a. Voters nominate candidates b. One candidate is elected c. Political parties nominate their candidates d. Voters decide on ballot issues
Questions What is not a requirement for voting in general elections? a. Being at least 18 years old b. Being a U.S. citizen c. Being a member of a political party d. Being a state resident where you vote
Questions Presidential elections are held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in which month? a. October b. November c. September d. January
Questions Historically, which of the following is the purpose of voter registration? a. To prevent fraud b. To count voters c. To remind people to vote d. To take a census
Questions Who usually runs elections and polling places? a. Federal government b. Political parties c. Federal courts d. Local governments
Questions Why was registration introduced as part of the voting process? a. To allow voters to vote on certain ballot issues b. To allow everyone over the age of 18 to vote c. To prevent voters from voting in primaries d. To prevent voter fraud
Questions What are polling places? a. Places where people can vote b. Places where candidates make speeches c. Places where people choose ballots d. Places where people cast their votes through the mail
Questions Which of the following is true of an absentee ballot? a. Mailed in before election day b. Marked at a polling place c. Carried to a polling place by a friend d. Mailed in during the month after election day
Questions What can you tell by watching candidates debate each other? a. Who will vote for them b. How they will answer questions c. How they will vote in the next election d. Whether they use the Internet