Election Observation Missions Vania Anguelova, Independent Electoral Consultant London, November 28 th 2011
International election observation can provide comprehensive, independent, and impartial assessment; Enhance transparency and accountability; Can promote public confidence in the elections, promote electoral participation and reduce violence, fraud and intinmidation;
Reasons for Election Observation Produce comprehensive assessment in accordance with the international standards and make constructive recommendations. Support democratic institutions, procedures and positive trends.
Gives a clear definition of the International election observation, principles and objectives for International observation. Is accompanied by the code of conduct for election observers. Is open for subscription by any organization.
Declaration of Principles for International Election Observers (2005) “International Election Observation is systematic, comprehensive and accurate gathering of information concerning the laws, process and institutions related to the conduct of elections and other factors concerning the overall electoral environment; the impartial and professional analyses of such information; and the drawing of conclusions about the character of the electoral process based on the highest standards for accuracy of information and impartiality of analyses.”
Code of Conduct for Election Observers Impartiality and neutrality; Base conclusions on well founded observation; Abide by national laws; Observers must conduct their duties in highest level of personal discretion.
Observation: the mandate of international observers is to gather information and make an informed judgment without interfering with the process; Monitoring: supervisors and/or monitors have much greater authority than observers. They can interfer in the process, the functions of supervisors and monitors could implicate them in the election management process.
full election observation mission: core team, long-term observers and short-term observers; limited election observation mission including core team of analysts and long- team observers deployed in every regional centre but without short-term observers (EU EOM Afghanistan);
Election assessment mission with only a small team of analysts with the task to examine particular election- related issues.
Invitation by the Host Government; Decide on its own discretion, the number of observers needed to conduct the observation mission and receive accreditation for all observers; The observation mission should be able to obtain all information regarding the electoral process from authorities at all levels; Be free to meet with the political candidates, members of political parties, representatives of civil society etc;
The observers should feel free to travel in all regions of the country during the election process and on Election Day without any restriction; Have free access to all polling stations, election commissions and counting and tabulation centers throughout the country; The observers should be able to issue public statements.
Core Team (CT) - From 10 to 12 experts deployed in the country capital for 6-8 weeks. Long-Term Observers (LTOs) - Deployed in all regional/provincial centers of the country for 6-7 weeks. Work in teams of 2 observers. Short-Term Observers (STOs) - Deployed in the country for days. Work in teams of 2 observers.
Chief Observer (Head of Mission) Deputy Chief Observer Election Analyst Legal Analyst Political Analyst Human Rights Analyst Media Analyst
Press and Public Outreach Officer Observers Coordinator Statistical Analyst Operations Expert Security Expert
Deployment Plan of Observers Should ensure broad geographic coverage; Should not be made public prior to deployment; Should include places where specific voting procedures are applied - hospitals, prisons;
Regional political context; Election administration; Voter registration and candidate registration in the region; Campaign and media monitoring; Civil society and in particular the role of the domestic observers;
Long-Term Observers Subjects of Observation (2) Results and post-election issues – the aggregation, tabulation and publication of election results; The implementation of the voting and counting procedures during the election day; Election disputes, complaints and appeals and the effectiveness of the process of managing complaints.
STOs observe exclusively the polling, counting and the tabulation process and report to LTOs on their findings. Observers can visit an average of 8-10 polling stations during the Election day. The STOs also observe the entire election environment on the Election Day period - intimidation, restrictions on freedom of movement or other problems.
EOM Reports and International Credibility Elections Assessment : - International Standards, universal and regional commitments made by the country; - According to the national legislative and regulatory framework; - Standards of the institution sending EOM.
Pre-Election Interim Reports; Preliminary Post-Election Statement; Final Report.
Methodology of the Domestic Observers Relationship with International Observers Capacity Building of Domestic Observers Groups
Advantages of the Domestic Observers: - Can deploy large number of observers; - Wider understanding of the political culture; - Monitoring the election process since the voter registration until the complaint process; - Large role in voter education; - Can easily monitor the media.
Disadvantages of Domestic Observers: - Can be subject of local pressure; - Lack of credibility in case they are connected to local groups; - Their neutrality can be questioned easily;
Combating Electoral Fraud and EOMs Presence of Election Observation Missions in two aspects: - Fraud deterrence - Fraud detection
Combating Electoral Fraud and EOMs Negative effects and fraud can be observed at the different stages of the electoral process, election observers most of the times are not present during all stages of the election cycle. Short term observation missions are focused on the later stage of the election process (campaign, polling and counting). Long term EOMs can be more effective in combating fraud.
Deploy extended election observation missions with the purpose to conduct comprehensive election observation on topics currently out of the timeframe for observation: - Voter registration; - Complaints and appeals; - Legislation review and support to domestic observers.
Provides impartial and accurate assessment It is considered to promote public confidence and electoral participation. International observers play important role in the increasing the credibility and the legitimacy of the process. Make constructive recommendations for the improvement of the electoral process.
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