Week8 Fatemeh Yazdiananari
Fixed the issues with classifiers We retrained SVMs with the new UCF101 histograms On temporally untrimmed videos: ◦ Three test scenarios: A) Temporal trimming of validation videos (baseline) B) Whole-video histogram C) Sliding window: uniform windows, regardless of the content D) Sliding window: uniform windows, aligned with the content E) Max pooling on sliding windows A - B: Quantified impact of temporal trimmed D - C: Quantified impact of alignment of windows E - A: Quantified impact of having multiple instances of one action Accomplished tasks:
Fixed the issues with classifiers We retrained SVMs with the new UCF101 histograms On temporally untrimmed videos: ◦ Three test scenarios: A) Temporal trimming of validation videos (baseline) B) Whole-video histogram C) Sliding window: uniform windows, regardless of the content D) Sliding window: uniform windows, aligned with the content E) Max pooling on sliding windows A - B: Quantified impact of temporal trimmed D - C: Quantified impact of alignment of windows E - A: Quantified impact of having multiple instances of one action Accomplished tasks: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Action Recognition Overview Extracted UCF101 DTF features Extracted histograms of UCF101 DTF features Trained Binary SVM using Split method ◦ split 1 Tested Binary SVM with Validation Set ◦ Whole-Video histogram Extracted histograms of 15 validation videos ◦ Sliding Window: uniform window, regardless of content Determined 10 second slices of the 15 validation videos Extracted histograms for those 10 second slices 4
Results 5 TrimmedWhole-VideoSliding WindowMax Pooling Accuracy5%0% GT Predict Whole-Video
6 Max Pooling Video #GTGT ClassPredictedPredicted Class 137HandStandPushups2ApplyLipstick 246JugglingBalls95Typing 395Typing13BlowDryHair 415BodyWeightSquatsRand 575RopeClimbing34Haircut 67BaseballPitch63PlayingGuitar 767PlayingViolin72PushUps 863PlayingGuitar46JugglingBalls 972PushUps46JugglingBalls 1046JugglingBalls21CleanAndJerk 1121CleanAndJerk69PommelHorse 1248JumpRope89Swing 1389SwingRand 1437HandStandPushups33GolfSwing 1533GolfSwing15BodyWeightSquats
Results 7 TrimmedWhole-VideoSliding WindowMax Pooling Accuracy5%0% GT Predict Whole-Video
Results 8 TrimmedWhole-VideoSliding WindowMax Pooling Accuracy5%0%5%0% GT Predict Whole-Video GT Predict Sliding Window
Confusion Table 9