Warm-up #7 1.What do you need for Friday? 2.Pick out one of the arguments below, find the counterargument and refute it. 1.Four day school weeks will keep students from missing as much school. 2.Limiting homework allows students more one on one time with their teachers. 3.Paying students for certain test scores will increase the overall value of their education by getting students back in school.
How to Write a Conclusion Conclusions are often the most difficult part of an essay to write, and many writers feel that they have nothing left to say after having written the paper. A writer needs to keep in mind that the conclusion is often what a reader remembers best. Your conclusion should be the best part of your paper. A conclusion should: –stress the importance of the thesis statement, –give the essay a sense of completeness, and –leave a final impression on the reader.
How to do this… Answer the question "So What?" –Show your readers why this paper was important. Show them that your paper was meaningful and useful. Synthesize, don't summarize –Don't simply repeat things that were in your paper. They have read it. Show them how the points you made and the support and examples you used were not random, but fit together. Redirect your readers –Give your reader something to think about, perhaps a way to use your paper in the "real" world. If your introduction went from general to specific, make your conclusion go from specific to general. Think globally. Create a new meaning –You don't have to give new information to create a new meaning. By demonstrating how your ideas work together, you can create a new picture. Often the sum of the paper is worth more than its parts.
More ways to do this Echoing the introduction: Echoing your introduction can be a good strategy if it is meant to bring the reader full-circle. If you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay was helpful in creating a new understanding. Challenging the reader: By issuing a challenge to your readers, you are helping them to redirect the information in the paper, and they may apply it to their own lives. Looking to the future: Looking to the future can emphasize the importance of your paper or redirect the readers' thought process. It may help them apply the new information to their lives or see things more globally. Posing questions: Posing questions, either to your readers or in general, may help your readers gain a new perspective on the topic, which they may not have held before reading your conclusion. It may also bring your main ideas together to create a new meaning.
Examples Answer the “So What”- Limiting Homework So, having the administration limit the amount of homework that teachers can give at a time, is really a win-win for everyone. The teachers receive a much needed break, the students can become healthier and more involved and school with no harm coming to the education they are receiving. All this without be stuck behind that six hour stack of homework. That would sound great to most students, teachers and parents that I know.
Redirecting Readers- 4 day school week Most of the country’s federal and state offices have already made the more to a four day week, why then is education struggling to make the change? By moving to this schedule, students will miss less school and be more prepared to enter the ever-changing work force that is more then ready to “go green” and work four longer, more productive days. Shouldn’t it be the goal to help students prepare for life after high school and life after high school seems to be four-ten hour days and a longer weekend to help recover from everything.
Challenge the readers- Government pay for certain test scores If the government or school district started paying students for reaching a certain score on certain exams, it would be effect, at least for a time. However, what happens to the test that don’t qualify to become a payday? Students most likely will not be paid to do things well but just expected to once they leave school. How do we find the students natural motivation, something they can take with them once they are finished. That is the real question we should be asking ourselves here.