The warm up is “Draw What I Say”
Let’s grade your homework
1.4 Geometry Using Paper Folding
Vocabulary ♥PERPENDICULAR LINES - Two lines that intersect to form a right angle. ♥Notation ♥PARALLEL LINES – 2 coplanar lines that do not intersect. ♥Notation ♥CONJECTURE – a guess based on observations.
A little more vocab… ♥ANGLE BISECTOR – A line or a ray that divides an angle into 2 congruent parts. ♥PERPENDICULAR BISECTOR – A bisector that is perpendicular to a segment. ♥SEGMENT BISECTOR – a line, segment, or ray, that divides a segment into 2 congruent parts. Perpendicular bisector Angle bisector midpoint Segment bisector
♥Would the person in the back of each row, get 4 pieces of patty paper for each person in their row, please? Thank you. ♥Would the person in the front of each row, hand out the activity worksheets to everyone in their row, please? Thank you. It’s activity time!
Your assignment 1.4 Wksht