Mrs. Nelson’s World History CAR-PD
GRADES – Grades are based on the following: – Homework = 10% – Class Assignments/ Quizzes = 50% – Tests /Presentation = 40% – ***End of course exam 10%***
GRADES Tests, Quizzes, and Presentations are graded on a numerical scale: – 90% - 100% = A – 80% - 89% = B – 70% - 79% = C – 60% - 69% = D – 0% - 59% = F
REQURED CLASS MATERIALS One composition book (one per semester) Loose leaf paper Blue or black ink or pencils. Duo – Tang Folder Highlighters
CLASS RULES – #1 Respect – It is the responsibility of all students to respect their peers and teacher. (this includes no teasing, name calling, or swearing)
CLASS RULES – #2 Expectation – It is the expectation that all students will be prepared for class, come to class on time, complete all assignments, and focus on class discussions.
CLASS RULES – #3 Consequence – If students do not follow the rules then consequences will result in disciplinary action. – If students choose not to study and complete the assignments then the result may affect their grade point average.
CLASS RULES – * Food, drinks, and chewing gum are not permitted in the class room. – * Cell phones are not to be used during class (phones are only permitted to be used before and after class outside of the class room.) Please turn phones off. – * Personal computers may not be used during class time.
CLASS RULES There should be no class room disruptions or side bar conversation. Students are expected to concentrate on the assignment/lecture. – * Talking is not permitted while taking a quiz or test. Students are expected to keep their eyes on their own paper. If an occurrence should occur, the result may be a grade of zero.
ASSESSMENTS 1.Name 2.Date 3.Period 4.Title of Assignment – MUST BE ON THE PAPER – Your name must be on the cover of your comp book – Dates NEED to be ‘idiot’ proofed in your comp book. – No dates= no grade!!
ASSESSMENTS – The students will be given a test for each topic/unit throughout the semester. The students will be given a Semester Exam at the end of the semester. – Students will complete and present a project to the class during the semester.(topics and due dates will be assigned) – If you do not finish an assignment in class you may finish it for HW. All my assignments will be on the school webpage, if you do not have access to the internet YOU need to tell me a.s.a.p., so I may make arrangements.
ASSIGNMENTS – Students will need to take notes and complete all assignment in their composition books. – The composition notebook will be a grade on test days! – ABSENT? Go to the school webpage: make sure you take notes and complete any work. You have the amount of days you are absent to turn in the assignment…after that a ‘0’ will take its place. If the webpage directs you to come see me---do so it is your responsibility.
ASSIGNMENTS – All assignments must be turned in on time. – Students are encouraged to take notes, participate in class activities, participate in class discussions, and complete all class and homework assignments to ensure a satisfactory grade.
PROCEDURES – All assignments must be turned in on time in the appropriate basket marked with the student’s class period on it. – All students must enter the class with maturity and begin their start up activity “Bell Work”. – Bell Work is a participation grade, every time you do a bell work activity, you will either receive a ‘0’ or ‘100’.* – If you do not know the answer, then only MUST copy the question down,
PROCEDURES – There is sufficient time in between classes to use the restroom. – The teacher will dismiss you, not the bell. Stay in your seat until you are dismissed. – Students must place backpack under the seat, not in the isle. This will prevent any accidents from occurring.
Contact Info – Students, if you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me at or