Periodization of Training
The Concept of Periodization main objectivehigh level of performance at a given timeThe main objective of training is to reach a high level of performance at a given time based on the correct development of athletic shape. In order to achieve the top condition necessary for high level of performance training must be managed and organized to allow for the development of the athlete to occur
Periodization Periodization is a plan over a long period of time. Usually the Annual Plan As one of the most important concepts in training, periodization refers to 2 basic components: how the year is divided in various training phases1. the periodization of the annual plan, or how the year is divided in various training phases how to structure training in order to be most effective2. the periodization of training, or how to structure training in order to be most effective according to the needs of the chosen sport
The Annual Plan-Training model The Annual Plan is divided into manageable segments of training. Each segment has a specific goal with respect to athletic development
The Macrocycle Is generally the 1 year plan it is further divided into subsections
The Mesocycle Is a Major Training phase within the Macrocycle. It varies in length depending on goals/objective and individual athlete. The general time frame for a mesocycle is 4-6 weeks.
The Microcycle generally 1 week in lengthIs a small block of training generally 1 week in length the greatest adjustments in trainingThe microcycle will experience the greatest adjustments in training as the goals of the Mesocycle change
Periodization Models Models are organized according to the competition requirements. One Major competitionOne Major competition= single peak or single cycle plan Two Major competitionsTwo Major competitions= double peak or double cycle plan Multiple CompetitionsMultiple Competitions= numerous peaks multiple cycle plan SeasonalSeasonal= extended season, league play, playoffs or qualifier, championships
Preparatory Phase This segment of the training plan has an objective to improve the fitness level of the athlete. There is a general preparation where the goal is general fitness level improvement. Specific preparation has specific fitness goals intended as required by the athlete for the particular sport or activity. This phase tends to be the longest portion of the plan
Competitive Phase Focus of this phase is the competition. Improving the ability to compete is the objective. Training becomes more specific to competition requirements
Transition Phase Focus is recovery. This phase may involve passive recovery with a complete shutdown of training activity. There may also be active recovery, where involvement in non-specific and non-related activity is prescribed
Peaking Attaining top condition in order to perform to maximum potential level
Four General Considerations for peak performance How many competitions are necessary to reach peak performance? How can the athlete maintain top form? Once top form is reached, what can the athlete do to ensure that the best performance will happen when needed? How does the athlete handle the anxiety of resting and the psychological stress of the competition? The better the condition of the athlete the longer the athlete will hold a peak conditionThe better the condition of the athlete the longer the athlete will hold a peak condition